
BS Industrial Engineering

Catalog Term Fall 2012

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Industrial Engineering
Concentration: None

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Special requirements within the core:

CHEM 1411

MATH 2413

MATH 2414

PHYS 2425

Required Courses for Major

CHEM 1412

CVEN 2301

ELEN 1301

ELEN 2310

INEN 1101

INEN 2360

INEN 2373

INEN 3320

INEN 3322

INEN 3380

INEN 4300

INEN 4315

INEN 4316

INEN 4320

INEN 4323

INEN 4345

INEN 4350

INEN 4370

INEN 4375

INEN 4385

MATH 2318

MATH 3301

MEEN 2302

PHYS 2426

Free Electives

3 INEN/TECH electives

3 INEN/TECH electives must be advanced and approved by advisor


CHEM 1412 or another course approved by the INEN advisor

INEN 2373 is the social science elective

A 3000 or 4000 level course approved by INEN advisor

In addition to the prerequisites, students must be admitted into the BSIE program.

