
BS Family Studies Teacher Certification

Fall 2013

Degree: Bachelor of Science
Major: Family Studies
Concentration: Family & Consumer Sciences Teacher Certification

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Philosophy of Knowledge Core Curriculum and Physical Activity

Required Courses for Major

Department Required (6 Hours):

FCSC 3301 Hum Well-Being
FCSC 4301 Senior Seminar

Degree Required (18 Hours):

FCSC 1322 Nutirtion & Diet
FCSC 1377 Survey of Marriage
FCSC 2316 Community Resources for Families
PEDG 3310 Child/Adolescent Development
FCSC 3341 Human Development II
PEDG 4620 Student Teaching

Concentration Required (27 Hours):

FCSC 1315 Food Prep
FCSC 1374 Lodging Management
FCSC 3360 Quantity Foods
FCSC 1320 Textiles
FCSC 2383 Apparel Analysis
FCSC 4350 Consumer Housing
FCSC 4308 Occupational FCS
FCSC 4380 Class Strategies - FCS
FCSC 4390 Resource Management

Concentration Default Courses (3 Hours):

FCSC 3300 Consumer Economics

Supporting Courses (18 Hours):

PEDG 2310 Intro Teacher Education
PEDG 2342 Diversity of Learner
PEDG 3320 Human Learning Educational Application and Assessment
PEDG 4380 Secondary MEthods/Classroom Management
READ 3326 Read/Literacy Strategy Content Areas
Approved Upper Level Course

Elective Courses


