
March 3, 2021

Wednesday, 03/03/2021
Reaud 202 and Virtual
Submitted By:
Aida Tucker

Location/Time:   Wayne A. Reaud, Room 202 & Virtual, at 3:00 p.m.

Subject:             Meeting Minutes for March 3, 2021

Date:                 April 30, 2021

To:                     Committee Members and Representatives


1.      Poonam Kumar, Committee Chair, called the meeting to order.                      

2.      Discussion from last meeting:
  • Committee goals established in December

3.      Sherry Wells researching proctor solutions:
  • Currently using Proctorio.
  • Privacy concerns with all proctor programs.

4.      Bio Sig (biometric signature) products:
  • Meeting with Kyle Mutz to make sure everything is accessible.

5.      Tech Needs assessment: Sujing Wang and Kyle Mutz
  • Faculty Survey draft with several questions
  • Teams, Adobe, Zoom; get feedback from committee about survey
  • Combine Academic Information Technology Committee with Distance Education Committee to work on this survey
  • After survey is finalized post survey. Ask Arne Almquist and Kate Downing about this.
  • For each question add choice #6, “not applicable”

6.      Update policies for Distance Education
  • Cheng-Hsien Lin will work on these revisions and post on Teams site. 

7.      Tech update from Sherry Wells
  • Meeting with Top Hat and it is integrated into BlackBoard. Will not pursue a license
  • Researching Go React to confirm compliance and accessibility. Working with Deaf Studies Deaf Education department.
  • Learn Assignment in BlackBoard – Started implementation and will try to phase and roll out in pilots.
  • Faculty training videos – Instructional Design team working on creating these videos.

8.      Discussed updating policy on response to student emails.

9.      Also discussed contacting Lamar Alumni and lifetime Lamar email accounts. IT is looking into this; there is a cost.

10.  Gradebook integration in BlackBoard. Cindy will send specific examples showing issues to Sherry. Sherry will work on this with Records.

11.  For next meeting:
  • Cheng-Hsien Lin will give updates on policy and continue discussion.
  • Survey will be sent out before May 5 meeting and committee will discuss results.

12.  Next Meeting Date-  May 5, 2021. The meeting adjourned.