
January 18, 2023

Wednesday, 01/18/2023
Reaud 312
Submitted By:
Kristan Traxler


Graduate Council   

Minutes #485 

January 18, 2023 


Approval of Minutes 

#484 – November 16, 2022 

 Attending; Brett Welch, Carly Cox, Vivek Natarajan, Jeff Forret, Debbie Troxclair, Ken Young, Tom Harvey 

Quorum reached 

 Motion to accept minutes: Natarajan, second: Harvey 


Old Business 

 Graduate faculty review – finalize 

Discussed process, plan to finalize at February meeting 

Question: Is the G4 or G4a included in the faculty hiring packet? Does not seem to be currently but we can request that it be added.  


New Business 

 Welcome to new council members: Ken Young and Tom Harvey, both from Educational Leadership 


College of Engineering 

 Electrical Engineering - proposing two course additions: ELEN 5303 Python Programming and ELEN 6303 Advanced Python Programming 

 Motion to approve: Natarajan, second: Forret. Motion passed.