
Institutional Patent Committee

Charge: The Institutional Patent Committee (IPC) shall advise the President on issues, policies, and laws pertaining the University patents and copyrights.

Membership & Reporting: The committee shall include the Provost, Vice President for Finance and Operations, and the Dean of the College of Graduate Studies, with the Associate Provost for Research and Sponsored Programs (AVP-Research) serving as chair. Members are appointed by the President who also provides the charge to the Committee. The Committee's recommendations are presented to the President for consideration.

Committee Members

Gene Theodori (Assoc. Provost, Research & Sponsored Programs), Chair Ex Officio
Brett Welch (Interim Provost; VP Digital Learning; Dean, Graduate Studies) Ex Officio
Mark Robinson (VP, Finance & Operations) Ex Officio
Tracy Benson (Engineering) FALL 2020-SUM 2023
Robert "Kelley" Bradley (Engineering) FALL 2020-SUM 2023
Phil Cole (Arts & Sciences) FALL 2020-SUM 2023
Vivek Natarajan (Business) FALL 2021-SUM 2023