
February 20, 2023

Monday, 02/20/2023
Reaud Room 312
Submitted By:
Daniel Chilek

  1. Meeting was called to order by Garrick Hardin at 3:30
  2. Minutes for 10-18-2022 and 11-29-2022 were approved.
  3. College of Arts and Sciences
    1. MATH 4302 (BoR) - Approved with Changes:
      1. If no repeats Max hours should be “0” if repeats “3”.
    2. MCNR 4301 Add (BoR)- Approved with Changes:
      1. Pre-requites?
      2. Reporting level: Senior (4301). 
      3. Core Curriculum should be changed to “No”.
      4. Add % sign to grade assignment 100-90 %.
  4. College of Business
    1. Changes to Undergraduate Accounting Degrees: - Approved with Changes:
      1. Wrong CIP code change/update.
  5. College of Education and Human Development
    1. PEDG 4320 Add (BoR) – Approved with Changes:
      1. Add Pre-requisite statement “Departmental Approval”.
      2. Contact hours “45”.
      3. Max repeat “3”.
      4. Outcomes should be consistent: “Students will” or “Teacher candidates will” one or the other.
  6. College of Fine Arts and Communications
    1. ARTS 3355 Change – Approved with Change:
      1. Max Repeat form “3” to “0” of no repeats allowed.
    2. MUAP 3453 Add – BoR – Send back to Music Department, issues:
      1. Can course be repeated then Max repeat “4”.
      2. Contact hours?
      3. Reporting level (MUAP 3453) Junior not Senior.
      4. “Tuba” not mentioned in the “Course Description”.
      5. Fix Grade scale it states: a grade of “B” is from 89-89.
      6. No Course Schedule: required.
  7. College of Engineering
    1. Industrial Automation and Robotics Certificate Program Revision reviewed: Send back to Industrial engineering, Issues:
      1. Needs to be examine by Engineering Department
      2. Undergraduate and Graduate offering of the same course title need to be examined particularly in site of SACSCOC current concerns.
      3. Proposal was confusing to the UUCC committee, it is recommended to have a representative present at the UUCC meeting when the items is brought back for discussion.
items iv -xxxi- not reviewed at 2/20 meeting
  1. CVEN 4375 Add - BoR
  2. ELEN 1100 Change - BoR
  3. ELEN 1301 Change - BoR
  4. ELEN 2301 Add - BoR
  5. ELEN 2411 Change - BoR
  6. ELEN 3101 Change
  7. ELEN 3310 Change
  8. ELEN 3312 change - BoR
  9. ELEN 3313 Change - BoR
  10. ELEN 3320 Add - BoR
  11. ELEN 3322 Change
  12. ELEN 3330 Add - BoR
  13. ELEN 3340 Add - BoR
  14. ELEN 3371 Change
  15. ELEN 3381 Change
  16. ELEN 3421 Change
  17. ELEN 3431 Change - BoR
  18. ELEN 3441 Change
  19. ELEN 3451 Add - BoR
  20. ELEN 4306 Change
  21. ELEN 4307 Change
  22. ELEN 4314 Change - BoR
  23. ELEN 4351 Change
  24. ELEN 4361 Add - BoR
  25. ELEN 4387 Change - BoR
  26. ELEN 4486 Change - BoR
  27. MEEN 2112 Add – BoR
  28. MEEN 2113 Add – BoR
  1. Next Meeting – March 20, 2023 @ 3:30 Reaud 312.
  2. Meeting was adjourned.