Lamar's 100% online Master of Music (M.M.) degree in music education requires 30 semester hours with thesis and non-thesis options available. Two additional courses in music education may be substituted for the thesis, and six hours of applied music may replace two music education courses.
The M.M. in music education offers students the option of completing all degree requirements, including the 30 hours of coursework, in a fully online format. Our online courses are typically taught asynchronously to better suit the needs of working music educators with busy schedules.
Applications and admissions work on a rolling schedule, allowing students to enroll in coursework in either the fall or spring semesters.
Our online degree can be earned in just two years by taking eight credit hours per semester for four concurrent semesters. Busy educators pressed for time have the option to enroll part-time too, earning their degree over a period of eight semesters.