
Attendance and Assignment Deadline Flexibility

Students are responsible for attending classes regularly and meeting all deadlines. Based on the unpredictable, episodic nature of a student's disability, certain accommodations exist that allow the student an equitable opportunity in their academic endeavors. These accommodations may include attendance flexibility and due date extensions and are intended to provide adjustments in the event of a disability-related flare-up.

The role of the ARC is to engage in an interactive process with each student (and faculty where indicated) on a case-by-case basis to determine reasonable accommodations. Accommodations are individualized, consistent with regulatory standards, and never retroactive. The following guidelines are designed to facilitate understanding and expectations in navigating these accommodations. 

Attendance Flexibility

Attendance Flexibility should be used only when the student experiences an unpredictable flare-up of their disability. It should not be used for routine appointments or family/work obligations. 

What is the Process?

ARC has established the following procedure for considering requests for flexibility in classroom attendance policies:

  1. Students with disabilities select their available, individualized accommodations via the AIM system each semester/each course. This triggers a faculty notification e-mail. 
  2. The student is advised to review the Attendance Flexibility procedure each semester to ensure they are aware of all requirements should an exacerbation of their disability occur. Attendance Flexibility should be used only when the student experiences an unpredictable flare-up of their disability. It should not be used for routine appointments, as a substitution for poor time management, or family/work obligations.   
  3. The student is responsible for scheduling an appointment with each instructor to discuss how attendance accommodations may be utilized in the course. The student and instructor must come to a consensus and document the following in the Agreement with Instructor form (located in the student's AIM profile):
    • The course syllabus and attendance policies
    • How and when the student will inform the instructor that they are missing class due to a disability-related absence
    • Establish time frames to turn in missed coursework or reschedule missed exams. The student is responsible for all course material, including materials and coursework completed during disability-related absences.
  4. If the student and instructor cannot reach a consensus on one or more points of the agreement, the student should contact the ARC. In consultation with the student and the instructor, ARC will then determine the appropriate level of flexibility attendance to be granted, if any.
  5. Attendance Flexibility cannot be accommodated if they result in a fundamental alteration of the academic requirements of the course. Faculty have course content expertise and shall notify the ARC if an Attendance Flexibility request may be considered a fundamental alteration. Should the interactive process reveal this to be the case, the ARC will communicate the finding to the student.   
  6. As in all instances of students with disabilities, instructors should not ask about the specifics of the disability and its limitations, but if the student discloses that information, instructors should keep it confidential. 
  7. Should the student be dissatisfied with the interactive process, concern or grievance can be escalated to the ARC.  
Students and faculty should communicate with the ARC if there are any concerns or questions regarding this procedure.   

Assignment Deadline Flexibility

The ARC recognizes that allowing extensions may be a reasonable accommodation. Assignment Deadline Flexibility does not imply a blanket approval for late submissions; it should be used only when the student experiences an unpredictable flare-up of their disability. It should not be used for routine appointments, as a substitution for poor time management, or family/work obligations. 

What is the Process?

The ARC has established the following procedure for students assigned the accommodation of Assignment Deadline Flexibility:

  1. Students with disabilities select their available, individualized accommodations via the AIM system each semester/each course. This triggers a faculty notification e-mail. 
  2. The student is advised to review the Assignment Deadline Flexibility procedure each semester to ensure they are aware of all requirements should an exacerbation of their disability occur.  
  3. Assignment Deadline Flexibility does not imply a blanket approval for late submission of assignments, it should be used only when the student experiences an unpredictable flare-up of their disability.  It should not be used for routine appointments, as a substitution for poor time management, or family/work obligations.   
  4. Students with Assignment Deadline Flexibility must notify the instructor via e-mail at least 24 hours prior to the assignment due date/time if a disability-related event will prevent timely submission.  Should there be a rare occasion in which the student is unable to provide 24 hours' notice, the student should e-mail both the instructor and the ARC prior to the due date/time or as soon as possible.   
  5. When the student notifies an instructor of the need for an extension, the Assignment Deadline Flexibility accommodation will provide for a 24-hour extension on the assignment in question.  On the rare occasion that a 24-hour extension is insufficient as a result of the student’s disability, the student shall contact the ARC before the extension time expires.  The ARC will engage in the interactive process with the student and faculty to facilitate a resolution.  
  6. All course work shall be completed prior to the end of the course.  If an extension is required beyond the length of the course, the student must contact the ARC and the ARC will engage in the interactive process with the student and faculty member to facilitate a resolution.  The student is responsible for all assignments as outlined in the course syllabus.  
  7. Assignment Deadline Flexibility extensions cannot be accommodated if they result in a fundamental alteration of the academic requirements of the course.  Faculty have course content expertise and shall notify the ARC if an extension request may be considered a fundamental alteration.  Should the interactive process reveal this to be the case, the ARC will communicate the finding to the student.  
  8. As in all instances of students with disabilities, instructors should not ask about the specifics of the disability and its limitations, but if the student discloses that information, instructors should keep it confidential.
  9. Should the student be dissatisfied with the interactive process, concern or grievance can be escalated to the ARC.

Students and faculty should communicate with the ARC if there are any concerns or questions regarding this procedure.