
Intellectual Contributions

Dr. Lynn Godkin
Professor of Management and Marketing


Refereed Articles

  • Godkin, L. (2015). Mid-Management, Employee Engagement, and the Generation of Reliable Sustainable Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics, 130 (1), 15-28.
  • Godkin, L. (2015). An Epidemiological Approach to Workplace Bullying. Journal of Leadership, Accountability, and Ethics, 12 (3).
  • Slaydon, J. & Godkin, L. (2015). Case Study: Peer Assessment among Business School Finance Students. Journal of Business and Economics.
  • Godkin, L., Valentine, S., Fleischman, G., & Godkin, L. (2015). Rogues in the Ranks of Selling Organizations: Using Corporate Ethics to Manage Workplace Bullying and Job Satisfaction. Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management.
  • Valentine, S., Godkin, L., & Mandabach, K. (2014). Ethical Employment Context and Ethical Decision-Making in Hospitality Organizations Located in Mexico and the United States. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism.
  • Valentine, S., Godkin, L., & Vitton, J. (2012). Perceived Corporate Ethics and Individual Ethical Decision Making: When in Rome, Doing as the Romans Do. Journal of Leadership, Accountability, and Ethics, 9 (2), 55-67.
  • Allcorn, S. & Godkin, L. (2011). Workplace Psychodynamics and the Management of Organizational Inertia. Competitiveness Review, 21 (1), 89-104.
  • Godkin, L. & Allcorn, S. (2011). The Narcissistic Manager, Avoidant Organization, and Interruptions in Organizational Learning. International Journal of Organizational Theory and Behavior, 14 (1), 58-82.
  • Valentine, S., Godkin, L., Fleischman, G. M., Kidwell, E. K., & Page, K. (2011). Corporate Ethical Values and Altruism: The Mediating Role of Career Satisfaction. Journal of Business Ethics, 101, 509-523.
  • Valentine, S., Godkin, L., Fleischman, G., & Kidwell, R. (2011). Corporate Ethical Values, Group Creativity, Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention: The Impact of Work Context on Work Response. Journal of Business Ethics.
  • Godkin, L. & Allcorn, S. (2011). ORGANIZATIONAL RESISTANCE TO DESTRUCTIVE NARCISSISTIC BEHAVIOR. Journal of Business Ethics.

Refereed Proceedings

  • Valentine, S., Fleischman, G., & Godkin, L. (2015). Unethical Corporate Values, Bullying Experiences, Psychopathy, and Salespersons' Ethical Reasoning. Academy of Management, Academy of Management.
  • Slaydon, J. & Godkin, L. (2014). Case: Peer Assessment among Business School Finance Students. Academy of Business Research.
  • Valentine, S., Fleischman, G., & Godkin, L. (2014). What to do about rogues in the ranks of selling organizations: Corporate ethics as a means for managing workplace bullying and job satisfaction. International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) International Conference for Academic Disciplines.
  • Nataragan, V. & Godkin, L. (2013). Technology Readiness and Learning Goals as Antecedents to Student Satisfaction and Learning Outcomes in Online and Traditional Settings: A Preliminary Empirical Investigation. 2014 Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators (ACme).
  • Valentine, S. & Godkin, L. (2013). Banking Employees' Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility, Value Fit Commitment, and Turnover Intentions. International Joint Conference (Japan Forum Business and Society),.
  • Valentine, S. & Godkin, L. (2012). Ethics programs, perceived ethical context, and a positive work attitude. 2012 Irish Academy of Management Conference, September 5-7, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland.
  • Valentine, S., Godkin, L., & Mandabach, K. (2011). Ethical employment context and hospitality professionals' ethical reasoning: A study of organizations located in the United States and Mexico. 29th EuroCHRIE Conference,.

Non-Refereed Articles

  • Valentine, S. & Godkin, L. (2016). Ethics Policies, Perceived Social Responsibility, and Positive Work Attitudes. Irish Journal of Management.

Book Chapters


  • Godkin, L. (2015). Organizational Learning and Activation of Virtue Ethics in Business. In Alejo José G. Sison (Ed.), Handbook of Virtue Ethics in Business and Management (pp. 2-14). Springer [B].


  • Godkin, L. (2014). Employee Well-being and Engagement in Corporate Social Responsibility. In Valentine, Sean (Ed.), Organizational Ethics and Stakeholder Well-Being in the Business Environment (pp. 167-187). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Presentation of Refereed Papers

  • Valentine, S., Fleischman, G., & Godkin, L. (2015). Unethical corporate values, bullying experiences, psychopathy, and salespersons' ethical reasoning. Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada-British Columbia.
  • Valentine, S. & Godkin, L. (2014, October). What to Do about Rogues in the Ranks of Selling Organizations: Corporate Ethics as a Means for Managing Workplace Bullying and Job Satisfaction. International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) International Conference for Academic Disciplines, Rome, Italy.
  • Valentine, S. & Godkin, L. (2012, September). Ethics Programs, Perceived Ethical Conduct, and a Positive Work Attitude. Irish Academy of Management Conference 2012, Dublin, Ireland.
  • Valentine, S., Godkin, L., & Vitton, J. (2011, January). Corporate Ethics and Ethical Decision Making: When in Rome, Doing as the Romans Do. Western Business & Management International Research Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Papers Under Review

  • Ghosh, K., Godkin, L., & Chawla, S. (2013). "An encounter with Millennial-age nurses: A tale of one hospital, "Initial submission to Health Care Management Review.
  • Valentine, S. & Godkin, L. (2013). "Banking Employees' Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility, Value Fit Commitment, and Turnover Intentions," Initial submission to Business And Society.
  • Valentine, S. & Godkin, L. (2013). "Banking Employees' Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility, Value Fit Commitment, and Turnover Intentions," Initial submission to Business And Society.

Working Papers

  • Valentine, S., Godkin, L., & Flieschmann, G. (2013). "Rogues in the Ranks of Selling Organizations: Using Corporate Ethics to Manage Workplace Bullying and Job Satisfaction," targeted for Journal Of Personal Selling & Sales Management.