
Curriculum Council Forms

For Course Changes Please Note:

Course Addition

Use when adding a new course.  Please check your course inventory to insure the new course number is not currently in use.  Additions must be accompanied by specific course information that meets Faculty Handbook, University, SACSCOC, and Texas State requirements.

Course Change

Use when changing a course title, course description, prerequisites, and the like.  Changes must be accompanied by a course syllabus created through Concourse that meets Faculty Handbook, University, SACSCOC, and Texas State requirements. 

Course Deletion

Use when deleting a course from the course inventory.

If you need assistance, please feel free to contact the office of the Associate Provost at ext. 8400 or straxler@lamar.edu.


Board of Regents Agenda Item

Any curriculum item (excluding course inventory forms) needing board of regents approval needs a Board of Regents Agenda Item. Each department needs to fill out the form and send to Kyle Boudreaux at keboudreaux@lamar.edu. Please send the document as a Word document. If you need assistance, please feel free to contact Kyle at ext. 7047.


Learn More About the Curriculum Approval Process