To encourage your success as a high-school-aged student participating in an accelerated academic experience, we designed our student handbook to empower you to make the most of your abilities and talent as a considerate and respectful member of the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô community.
Because of the extraordinary scholarship opportunity offered to you, you are expected to be fully engaged in all aspects of the program and to follow guidelines concerning academic, behavior, attendance, and service learning components.
Please review this handbook carefully so you are best prepared to thrive during your time here. Any student not functioning successfully within the Academy community may be asked to withdraw or may not receive an invitation for a second year.
Please do not hesitate to contact our director and staff should you have any questions about the Academy's policies.
Handbook revised on 3.3.25
The Texas Academy was created by the Legislature of the State of Texas (S.B. 1554) in 1993 to offer intellectually advanced, gifted high school-aged students in Texas the opportunity to pursue the ideals of academic excellence, ethical leadership, and community service within the context of a university setting. All students admitted to the Texas Academy receive full-tuition scholarships for 15 credit hours per semester from the State of Texas through the Texas Education Agency. The Texas Academy operates as an independent, special legislative school district under the auspices of the Board of Regents of the Texas State University System. In its capacity as a special legislative school district, the Academy has been authorized to confer its own diploma at graduation. Many Texas Academy students remain at Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô after their graduation from the Texas Academy while some attend institutions that specialize in a particular field of study.
Academy Statements
The Texas Academy is an enriched college level program for gifted and talented high school students in Texas who desire rigorous academics, innovative research, and service leadership opportunities that enhance student learning and leadership in a variety of academic areas.
We inspire students to transform their passion into their purpose through rigorous academics, innovative research, and service leadership.
To do this, we offer high-impact educational experiences by supporting significant learning environments that offer choice, ownership, and voice through authentic learning opportunities.
We prepare successful high school graduates who have their choice of top-tier undergraduate schools where they will impact and inspire others through innovation and leadership.
Academic Integrity
The Texas Academy was created by the Texas Legislature to give academically advanced Texas students the opportunity to experience the rigors of a university classroom while pursuing a variety of extracurricular programs promoting leadership development. As a gifted and talented program under legislative auspices, the Texas Academy holds its students to the highest standards of excellence, intellectual and moral, in and outside the classroom. The Texas Academy exhorts its students to be exemplary on all counts.
Students are specifically advised against all forms of cheating and plagiarism. The Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Student Handbook Academic Policies outlines some examples of academic dishonesty and states:
The University and its official representatives may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of any form of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating on an examination or other academic work which is to be submitted, plagiarism, collusion, and the abuse of resource materials. Cheating includes:
Plagiarism shall mean the appropriation of another’s work or idea and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work or idea into one’s own work offered for credit.
Collusion shall mean the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing work offered for credit.
Abuse of resource materials shall mean the mutilation, destruction, concealment, theft, or alteration of materials provided to assist students in the mastery of course materials.
Academic work shall mean the preparation of an essay, dissertation, thesis, report, problem, assignment, creative work, or other project that the student submits as a course requirement or for a grade.
Instructors shall take reasonable and necessary precautions, including the careful administration and monitoring of examinations and assignments, to prevent acts of academic dishonesty.
Procedures for discipline due to academic dishonesty shall be the same as in other violations of the Student Code of Conduct, except that all academic dishonesty cases shall be considered and reviewed by the faculty member, and if necessary, the Department Chair, Dean, and Provost. The faculty member shall conduct a complete, thorough, and impartial investigation of the charge of academic dishonesty and determine if the student was responsible for the violation. If the faculty member determines that the student was responsible for the violation, the faculty member may assess an appropriate and reasonable sanction. The student shall be entitled to a written notice from the faculty member of the violation, the penalty, and the student’s right to appeal the determination of dishonesty and/or the sanction imposed. A copy of the faculty member’s notice to the student shall be forwarded to the Provost.
If the student does not accept the decision of the faculty member concerning the determination of dishonesty and/or the penalty imposed, the student may appeal to the faculty member’s Department Chair for review of the case. To do so, the student must submit, in writing, a request for an appeal to the Chair within five working days of notification of the right to appeal. The student shall be entitled to a written notice of the Chair’s decision and the student’s right to further appeal.
If the student does not accept the decision of the Chair concerning the determination of dishonesty and/or the sanction imposed, the student may appeal to the Dean for review of the case. To do so, the student must submit, in writing, a request for an appeal to the Dean within five working days of notification of the Chair’s decision. Prior to rendering a decision about an appeal, the Dean may request a review of the case and recommendation from the College’s Student-Faculty Relations Committee. The student shall be entitled to a written notice of the Dean’s decision and the right to further appeal.
If the student does not accept the decision of the Dean, the student may then appeal to the Provost for review of the case. To do so, the student must submit, in writing, a request for an appeal to the Provost within five working days of notification of the Dean’s decision. Before rendering a decision, the Provost shall convene an ad hoc Student-Faculty Relations Committee composed of members from the standing Student-Faculty Relations Committees from the other Colleges to review the case and offer a recommendation. The student shall be entitled to a written notice of the Provost’s decision. The decision of the Provost shall be final.
No disciplinary action against the student shall become effective until the student has received substantive and procedural due process as described above. A copy of the record pertaining to each case shall be forwarded to, reside in, and considered by the Office of the Vice President for Student Engagement where it shall be treated as a disciplinary record as described in the Student Handbook. If additional judicial action is necessary, as in the case of flagrant or repeated violations, the Student Engagement Office shall initiate further action in accordance with the procedures for student discipline as described in the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Student Handbook.
All accusations and incidents of academic dishonesty must be reported to the Texas Academy Staff and will be investigated as per University policy. If found in violation, acts of academic dishonesty will remain on a student’s educational record for the duration of his/her enrollment at the Texas Academy. Procedures concerning disciplinary consequences for academic dishonesty are identified in the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Student Handbook and include immediate dismissal from the Texas Academy.
In determining a student’s place within the Academy, the administration will consider the student’s academic, behavior, and involvement within the program. The administration reserves the right to ask a student to withdraw or not to extend an invitation for a second year when a student’s performance and/or behavior has demonstrated an inability or an unwillingness to function successfully and cooperatively with the academic, behavior, service learning, leadership training, and/or community expectations.
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (Buckley Amendment)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (commonly known as FERPA) (20 U.S.C. Section 1232g; 34 C.F.R. Part 99) is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. FERPA regulates the disclosure and the rights and responsibilities of students and institutions of higher education regarding student education records. The law applies to all colleges and universities that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education. It is designed to ensure students have a right of access to their education records and protect those records from disclosure to third parties.
The act also restricts persons to whom the university may disclose a student's educational records without the student's written permission. Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô's policy is to comply fully with all provisions of the act.
FERPA rights cease upon death. It is the policy of Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô that no records of deceased students be released after the date of death, unless specifically authorized by the executor of the deceased's estate or by next of kin.
Attendance Requirements
The Texas Academy is a special legislative independent school program, and the Texas Academy funding is contingent on demonstrated attendance. Although professors may have absence policies, the Texas Academy requires students to attend all classes, and it is expected that Texas Academy students adhere to this requirement. Faculty members are requested to submit attendance reports to the Texas Academy administration. Students not attending classes risk disciplinary consequences, the loss of scholarships, and removal from the program.
At any time, a student misses class, the TA Absence Form must be submitted for each day missed. Students who anticipate a scheduled absence must submit the form and receive approval prior to missing any classes or classes in succession. This includes, but is not limited to, absence(s) related to planned appointments, school/club travel, presentations, conferences, college visits, etc. Absence Form submissions received or approved prior to the anticipated leave will be recorded as excused.
All absences due to illness, (for both residential and non-residential students), must be reported via the TA Absence Form within three (3) class days of the absence. If a student misses 3 or more consecutive are missed, a doctor’s note must accompany the submission of the TA Absence Form. Absences not reported through the within 3 class days will be recorded as UNEXCUSED.
Students are required to inform all professors regarding absences or planned leave from classes. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate this information and ensure that all coursework and assignments are received/submitted on time. Faculty are not required to adjust due dates or deadlines for assignments or exams.
Excessive and/or UNEXCUSED absences will be referred for disciplinary action; students may be at risk of discontinuation in the program, at the discretion of the Texas Academy staff.
Texas Academy Quiet Hours
The Texas Academy building will have quiet hours from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM Monday through Friday of each week. If the student would like to host an evening event or study session, they will need to coordinate with the Resident Assistants and the Texas Academy Administration.
Invitation Policy
The Texas Academy Administration will review each student’s academic and disciplinary record toward the end of each semester. Within the review process, Texas Academy Administrators will consider each student’s involvement and his/her impact within the Texas Academy community.
We reserve the right to determine whether a student continues the privilege of continuing at the Texas Academy; depending on individual circumstances, such as the direct or indirect impact of a student's actions or deeds as a reflection within and of the Texas Academy. If grades or attendance are a concern, the Texas Academy reserves the right to place students on academic probation and/or release a student from the Academy, as deemed necessary. Further, being involved in drama, starting, and/or spreading rumors of any kind, being disrespectful to students, staff, and faculty, and violation of Texas Academy or Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô policies will be factored into our overall decision.
We strive to ensure success in our Texas Academy community. Positive behavior and good influence are vital to the reputation of our students and program, and as a result, students may or may not be invited back to the Texas Academy for the following semester or year.
Students will receive written notification about their continuance prior to the start of the following semester.
Comply with the TA attendance policy
You must report and be excused for all absences in all classes you are enrolled in unless you have received approval by the TA Administration ahead of time.
Cultivate positive peer-to-peer interactions
You must ensure you are adding to the positive relationships amongst all students in the Texas Academy at all times. Negative behaviors (shouting, dishonesty, anonymity, or non-disclosure of facts that affect others) are examples of what not to do. Positive behaviors, discussion, honesty, openness, and good intentions are examples of what TO do. Contribute to a drama free zone
Your actions must be contributing to all aspects of the Texas Academy (administration, clubs, peer mentors, events). If you have questions about an event or an action, see an academy administrator. You will need to refrain from stirring up the student body with negative comments, getting involved in drama/issues of any form, and conducting actions that are taking away from the overall experience.
Failure to comply with any of the above policies will result in a disciplinary infraction and immediate review for dismissal of the Texas Academy.
Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Reaud Honors College
All Texas Academy students participate in the Texas Academy Leadership Community online with Honors College students. Students will build an ePortfolio and log critical experiences (authentic learning experiences and service leadership) throughout their time in the Texas Academy to make the transition smooth to the Honors College should students apply for acceptance. Students will need to apply for acceptance into the Honors College the spring of their senior year should they be interested in becoming a Reaud Honors College graduate.
Entering students who meet academic requirements (3.6 GPA) may be eligible to take courses in the Reaud Honors College and may enroll in honors courses. Texas Academy students also can enroll in honors courses offered through the University of Curriculum. Enrollment is limited to six (6) semester credit hours per regular long semester. Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher to continue to be eligible to take honors courses while enrolled in the Texas Academy.
Students with a semester GPA of 3.7 after their last semester at the Texas Academy are also eligible to apply for enrollment in the Reaud Honors College and, if accepted, may enroll in honors courses the fall after graduating from the Texas Academy. Students who fail to maintain a 3.4 GPA risk dismissal from the Reaud Honors College and in such cases, continued participation is at the discretion of the Dean of the Reaud Honors College.
Tutorial Assistance
To facilitate a successful transition from high school to a more challenging Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô course load, the Texas Academy strongly recommends that students take full advantage of the support systems. Students should schedule regular meetings with their professors. In addition, the Student Advising and Retention Services (STARS) Department (409-880-7201) offers individual and small group tutoring for any student. Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô also offers a free writing lab, mathematics lab, and foreign language lab to support academic success. Scheduling and payment of private tutors are the responsibility of the student. In the event that a student continues to have problems with a class, he/she should notify the Texas Academy Counselor immediately for further assistance.
Student Employment
It is expected that a Texas Academy student’s first priority is their academic career. We discourage students from holding any job that jeopardizes the program's academic and extracurricular responsibilities. All student employment must be reported and submit employment information to the Coordinator to ensure students are accounted for.
Students who gain employment on campus are permitted to work up to 19.5 hours per week. Students who intend to work off campus are encouraged to work no more than 19.5 hours weekly. Students may not work any shifts that will make them late to, or absent from, mandatory meetings, classes, curfew, or other required Texas Academy events. Students are specifically prohibited from working in any establishment that promotes “alcohol and illegal drugs or activities.”
Students who reside on campus must meet Texas Academy rules and adhere to curfew regulations. Students who miss check-ins or return to their room past curfew will be subject to disciplinary action(s).
Withdrawal from the Texas Academy
Students who wish to withdraw from the Texas Academy during the academic year or choose not to return at the end of the first academic year must meet with the Texas Academy staff to complete the withdrawal process; the student’s parent(s) are expected to attend. Students who withdraw from the Texas Academy may not enroll at Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô until they have graduated from high school. Students who withdraw from the Texas Academy may not attend Texas Academy sponsored events unless approved in writing by the Texas Academy Administrative Staff. All withdrawal policies for the Texas Academy and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô will be followed as written for current students attending Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô.
Withdrawing from the Texas Academy and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô does not relieve the student of any financial obligations under the Installment Payment Program or for any student loans, as these are the student's legal financial commitments, or other fees associated to his/her student account. Students who owe a remaining balance of dorm fees, must contact Cardinal Village to work out payment arrangements. No student is permitted to move out of the dorms permanently without discussing the move and receiving approval from parents and the Texas Academy Administration.
Students are responsible for purchasing or renting their textbooks. Textbooks may be purchased or rented at bookstores on or around campus and are available from online sites. Students should verify class number and section prior to purchase.
Grades and Progress Reports
Grade Reports are not mailed by Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô. Students may check his/her final grades via their Self-Service Banner Account. Current grades may be available through Learn. Only courses in which grades have been recorded by each respective instructor will be accessible.
Parents should actively communicate with their students regarding attendance and grades. With student permission, parents may also access their student’s LU Learn (Blackboard) account to view course progress and grades IF the faculty member utilizes the LU Learn (Blackboard) system. LU Learn (Blackboard) is an integrated set of web-based tools for course management and delivery.
Progress reports are solicited halfway through the semester from professors. Parents and students will be notified immediately if an unsatisfactory progress report(s) is received (2 or more absences and/or grades lower than “C”). If we receive a negative or concerning report, the Texas Academy Administration reserves the right to require weekly check-ins for study hall sessions, and/or place a student on academic probation mid-semester if needed.
Weekly Check-ins Requirements
All incoming students (both new juniors and seniors to the Academy) must attend required check-ins and mandatory meetings as scheduled, within their first semester of enrollment. Some mandatory meetings will be required and will fulfill check-in obligations. Requirements for check-ins will be provided to students at the beginning of the semester. Completion of check-ins is a requirement to be invited back to the Texas Academy.
Unexcused absences from weekly check-ins will be referred to the Student Success Coordinator for disciplinary action.
At any time during the semester, additional check-in requirements may be assigned to students as needed. Circumstances that may lead to additional check-ins include unsatisfactory grades or progress reports and/or concerns from professors but are not limited to this. These check-ins are at least one hour each and students must provide proof or verification of their attendance by swiping their ID card at one of the locations, signing in, or asking the supervisor or assistant by emailing us at to verifying the student was in attendance.
Some examples of check-ins are listed below:
Semesterly Reviews & Academic Probation
A main component of the Texas Academy experience is student academic success. Satisfactory Academic Progress and semesterly reviews for good academic/disciplinary standing will be conducted at the end of each regular long semester.
Superior academic performance is expected of Texas Academy students. The Texas Academy uses the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô 4.0 grading scale and students must maintain a minimum 3.0 semester and cumulative grade point average (GPA) to avoid placement on the Texas Academy Academic Probation. Texas Academy Administrative staff reserve the right to make decisions about whether a student continues at the Texas Academy under Academic Probation or if they will be uninvited, depending on individual circumstances.
A student’s fitness to continue at Texas Academy will be evaluated at the end of each semester including but not limited to GPA. Criteria that will be considered are:
A Texas Academy student placed on Academic Probation:
A student may be placed on academic probation mid-semester, at the discretion of the Texas Academy staff. Incomplete and dropped courses do not absolve students from weekly check-ins or required events.
*Any repeat courses in which a student is registered for the purpose of a grade replacement will not be covered by the Texas Academy or Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô; all fees must be paid out of pocket. This includes courses in which the student has dropped or withdrawn and/or received a letter grade of “D” or “F.” Students must contact the Texas Academy Academic Counselor prior to dropping or withdrawing from any course(s).
*Parents will be notified when a student is placed on academic probation. A student’s failure to comply with any policy while on academic probation or failure to maintain a cumulative and/or semester GPA of 3.0 may result in or place him/herself at risk for dismissal from the program upon review, and based on the invitation policy, set forth by the Texas Academy Administrative staff.
* Students who are placed on the Texas Academy Academic Probation and who fail to improve their GPA and/or who do not maintain a cumulative and/or semester GPA of 3.0 within the stipulated time may not be invited back to the Academy.
Explanation of Letter Grades
A – Excellent
B – Good
C – Satisfactory
D – Passing
F – Failure
I – Incomplete
Q – Course was dropped during penalty-free period or course was dropped later, passing
QL – Dropped (S.B. 1231--Six drop rule)
S – Satisfactory (credit)
U – Unsatisfactory (no credit)
NG – No grade (Thesis/Dissertation only)
W – Withdrawn from Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô
The grade of "I" may be given when any requirement of the course, including the final examination, is not completed at the discretion of each individual professor/instructor. Arrangements to complete deficiencies in a course should be made with the instructor before the end of the semester or term. Incomplete work must be finished during the next long semester or the "I" will change to the grade of "F."
The instructor may record an "F" grade for a student absent from the final examinations and not passing the course. Change of grade procedures will be outlined by the Counselor on an as needed basis.
The grade of "W" or "Q" is given if the withdrawal or drop is made during the penalty-free period or if the student is passing at the time of withdrawal or drop during the penalty period.
Grade changes are typically submitted with the written authorization of the instructor with the submission of a grade change form along with the approval and signature of academic dean. This form must receive all proper signatures and be processed by the Registrar’s Office and according to Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô’s General Academic Policies and Procedures.
Calculation of Lamar GPA
Students receive a given number of points for each letter grade (A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1, F=0). The grade point average is not weighted. The Lamar GPA is based on a 4.0 scale and is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of semester hours attempted. For example:
Biology 1407 |
A |
4 |
16 |
History 1302 |
B |
3 |
9 |
English 1301 |
A |
3 |
12 |
Political Science 2301 |
A |
3 |
12 |
Spanish 1311 |
B |
3 |
9 |
16 |
58 |
Thus, 58 divided by 16 = 3.625 Lamar GPA
Calculation of the Texas Academy GPA
The Texas Academy will calculate the unweighted cumulative grade point average (4.0 scale) of the previous high school grades. It is each student’s responsibility to verify the accuracy of the final transcript from their previous high school before the start of their first semester. If a change is required, it is the student’s responsibility to request the change be made by the former school and send an updated official transcript to the Texas Academy as soon as possible, but no later than the end of their first semester. Failure to submit a transcript will result in review and potential dismissal from the Texas Academy.
**Both Lamar GPA and the Texas Academy GPA will be included on the Texas Academy transcript.
The Texas Academy does not rank its students. Since our student body is composed of high academic achievers from high schools all over the state of Texas, we feel that to rank them against one another would not give an accurate representation of how they would match up with their scholastic peers had they remained in their home high schools. The grade point average is a measure of the student’s overall academic performance and is used in the determination of academic standing, rank in class, eligibility for graduation, program eligibility and honors eligibility. The annual school profile for the previous academic year will be available to submit with all college applicants for college bound seniors.
Academic Recognition
Students enrolled in 12 semester credit hours (or more) and maintain a semester GPA of 3.5 or higher each semester are included on the Dean’s List. Students with GPAs of 4.0 qualify for the President’s List and automatically earn places on the Deans’ List. Any student whose academic record includes an “I” (incomplete) is ineligible for Dean’s and/or President’s List consideration until the course requirements have been met and the grade officially recorded.
Valedictorian and Salutatorian
For every graduating class, the Texas Academy will recognize a valedictorian and salutatorian based on the normalized/unweighted cumulative grade point average (4.0 scale) of the high school freshmen, sophomore, junior, and the fall semester of senior year (7 semesters).
To determine a student’s combined GPA to be considered for Valedictorian and Salutatorian, TA will take the exact grades reported on the former high school transcript on a numerical scale and divide by the # of grades reported. Example - if all former high school grades add up to 3357 and 34 courses were taken, the average of that calculation is divided by 100 and multiplied by 4 to get the overall high school GPA of 3.94941176. This is the first number used in the overall combined GPA calculation.
Grades reported on the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô transcript (alpha scores, A = 4.0, B = 3.0, etc.) will be reported as is. If a student has earned a 4.0 for all LU courses, the 4.0 is used as the second number in the overall combined GPA calculation.
The overall combined GPA would be 3.974705882.
To be eligible, the student must have taken at least 45 Lamar credit hours during the regular long semesters (Fall/Spring only) while enrolled in the Texas Academy at Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô.
Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô courses must be completed by the end of the fall semester before graduation with no class drops for consideration. Summer and mini semester courses will not be used in calculating GPA and credit hours for valedictorian and salutatorian recognition. Any student who drops a course will not be eligible for valedictorian or salutatorian recognition.
Note* - The title of Valedictorian takes into consideration 7 complete semesters whereas the highest-ranking graduate takes into consideration 8 complete semesters; therefore, the Valedictorian may NOT always be the highest-ranking graduate.
NOTE: The Texas Academy reserves the right to amend the requirements for valedictorian and salutatorian recognition if the Texas Academy Administrative Staff determines such change(s) are necessary.
Highest Ranking Graduate Scholarship
The State of Texas Scholarship will be awarded to the student with the highest cumulative GPA after completing 8 semesters with a minimum of 60 credit hours at Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô; calculated using the same method as the Valedictorian.
In the case of a tie for highest ranking graduate, additional criteria will be considered such as number of courses taken, difficulty of courses (level, prerequisites, etc.) and the number of honors courses completed to decide the recipient of the State of Texas Highest Ranking Graduate Scholarship.
Note* - The title of Valedictorian takes into consideration 7 complete semesters whereas the highest-ranking graduate takes into consideration 8 complete semesters; therefore, the Valedictorian may NOT always be the highest-ranking graduate.
Academic Counseling Services
Texas Academy students take Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô courses and are integrated into the academic life of the institution. This allows students a real-world experience of college that prepares them to exercise the freedom and accompanying responsibilities demanded of adult university students.
The Academic Counselor is responsible for various functions, including academic advising and college counseling. The Academic Counselor will guide students to ensure they complete mandatory coursework for high school graduation requirements and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô core curriculum.
Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô's General Education Core Curriculum satisfies the criteria for compliance with the mandates of the Texas State Senate and the rules, recommendations and statement of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board found in . The curriculum (see Appendix) spans the humanities and sciences and provides an interdisciplinary foundation to pursue intellectual inquiry, make critical evaluation of the findings, and communicate those findings in the classroom and the broader academic environment. The Academy uses core curriculum courses to fulfill the Texas Academy graduation requirements.
Students are integrally involved in the course selection process in subsequent semesters as a learning experience. Students are highly encouraged to take the Honors sections of courses for which they are eligible. After the first semester of attendance at the Academy, students are advised by the Texas Academy administration before registering for classes. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss their class options with their parents.
All courses taken during a regular long semester (Fall/Spring), including electives, and/or required electives, should be taken in standard format. For more information, refer to the ‘Standards for Course Registration/Special Circumstances.’
Texas Academy Graduation Requirements
All students in the Texas Academy have the opportunity to graduate on the with endorsements as set by the Texas Education Agency. Students who earn the distinguished level of achievement may be considered to be eligible to a Texas public university under the law. Admission requirements and deadlines will vary dependent upon University/Institutional practices. The Texas Academy does not guarantee acceptance or admission to any institution; this is the responsibility of the student to submit an application for consideration.
The Distinguished Level of Achievement requires students to complete a minimum of 26 credits including:
Additional performance acknowledgements will be noted on the student’s final Texas Academy transcript. Multiple credits in other subject areas and additional endorsements may be notated also.
Standards for Course Registration/Special Circumstances
With written permission from the Academy staff or Counselor, a student may take a minimum of twelve (12) hours and a maximum of eighteen (18) hours during the fall and spring semesters; exceptions may be granted to the maximum. The State of Texas pays tuition costs for up to fifteen (15) credit hours per fall/spring semester. The student is responsible for all costs associated with the registration of additional hours over 15 credit hours.
Students are required to enroll in a full-time course load, a minimum of 12 semester credit hours. All courses taken during a regular long semester (Fall/Spring), including electives, and/or required electives, should be taken in standard format. Students are expected to enroll in at least ¾ time face to face/traditional classes. (Example: If a student enrolls in 12 semester credit hours, 9 semester credit hours should be taken on campus.) If a student opts to enroll in an online course in lieu of a traditional face-to-face course, the student will be responsible for any distance learning fees associated with their course enrollment.
Some exceptions may be made if a course is offered in an online format only or conflicts with other scheduled classes and no other options are available. Only those courses approved by the Counselor and/or appropriate Texas Academy Administrative Staff may be taken online or by correspondence.
Courses may be taken during mini-sessions and/or summer semesters with the approval of the Texas Academy Counselor or appropriate Administrative Staff. The Texas Academy does not pay for summer or mini sessions’ tuition, fees, or books.
Students may complete coursework at other regionally accredited institutions. Credits earned at other institutions will be considered for transfer credits and are subject to Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô’s transfer policies. Not all transfer credits will automatically be accepted. The grades earned at those institutions are not figured into the student’s Lamar or Texas Academy GPA’s. All Texas Academy who wishes to co-enroll or take courses as a transient student at another institution must meet with the Academic Counselor.
Adding and Dropping Courses
Any change in a student’s course load and schedule requires approval of the Texas Academy Academic Counselor and/or other staff. If changes to a student’s course registration are to be made, these changes must be made in a timely manner and occur within the allowable registration dates and deadlines as outlined in the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Academic Calendar. The Texas Academy Student Drop/Add Request Form must be completed and signed by the student, parent(s), and a member of the Texas Academy Administrative Staff. The Texas Academy students may not drop or choose not to enroll/complete an essential course necessary to meet high school graduation requirements as set forth by the Texas Education Agency. Unauthorized course enrollment modifications, (dropped or additional courses) can be amended at the discretion of Texas Academy staff without prior notification to the student, if no cost is incurred to the student.
After approvals are obtained, the Counselor will assist in completing a Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô drop/add form for the student to submit for processing. Students who drop a course may be required to pay all tuition and fees for the course. Students are responsible for:
Students may drop a course and receive a grade of "Q" during the penalty-free period of the semester or session. For drops after this penalty-free period, grades are recorded as "Q" or "F," indicating the student was passing or failing at the time of the drop. A grade of "Q" may not be assigned unless an official drop has been processed.
**BEFORE any course is dropped for any reason, the student should check in with the Texas Academy counselor.
Pursuant to Education Code §51.907, Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô, along with all other Texas public institutions of higher education (including two-year institutions), may not permit an undergraduate student to drop a total of more than six courses, including any course a transfer student has dropped at another public institution of higher education in Texas, unless the student can show good cause for dropping more than that number, including but not limited to a documented showing of the following:
Forms for requesting a good cause exception to the six-drop rule are available from the Academic Counselor and/or the Office of the Registrar.
Note - Student work schedules do not permit students to drop a course. Academic coursework will not be scheduled to accommodate work schedules, so plan accordingly.
Repeated Coursework
Texas Academy students may retake courses for credit with the approval or at the recommendation of the Texas Academy Academic Counselor. All costs of a repeated course will be the responsibility of the student. Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô’s Course Repetition/Grade Replacement Policy is as follows:
AP and Dual Credits
Students are encouraged to submit any qualifying dual credit and/or AP scores eligible for college/transfer credit(s). Students who expect to apply AP credit and/or transfer credits earned to satisfy university core requirements should provide the Texas Academy with an unofficial score report/transcript. Submitting this information will assist the student and the Texas Academy Administration during the course registration/planning stages and appropriate academic advising, necessary to meet the student’s needs.
All qualifying AP scores should be submitted directly to the Office of Admissions at Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô so that credits may be applied to your account accordingly.
All dual enrollment/dual credit courses should be provided to the Office of Admissions at Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô via an official transcript submission. These transcripts should be sent from the institution of higher education in which the credit was earned/provided. (i.e., Lamar State College – Orange, Lamar State College – Port Arthur, etc.) Transcripts issued to the student are not considered official and will not be accepted by the Office of Admissions.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that appropriate information is received. Official AP scores and dual credit transcripts are to be received by the deadline date provided by the Texas Academy Administration and prior to the start of the upcoming semester, directly following the terms in which the credits are earned.
Note: If the credits earned are not provided to Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô in an official format and/or the information is not received by the deadline provided by the Texas Academy Administration and/or the start of the semester, students will be expected to enroll in any course credits required for high school graduation and university core completion. This means that if a student has completed HIST 1301 and HIST 1302 via dual credit enrollment or by AP exam but an official transcript/score report is not received and evaluated (for transfer credit to be applied to your student records), you may be required to remain enrolled in these courses or be required to take them in the future.
Note: Texas Academy transcripts will not provide details or show credits earned for any dual enrollment courses and/or qualifying AP scores if the official documentation is not received and recorded by the Office of Admissions at Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô.
Summer Enrollment
Texas Academy students, either newly admitted or continuing, may complete additional college credits to meet any graduation needs or at their discretion. Unless otherwise stated, additional course or summer enrollment is not required as part of the Texas Academy program. Costs associated with summer enrollment, whether at Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô or another institution of higher education, or an accredited K-12 program will not be included in or paid for by the Texas Academy scholarship.
If a student chooses to enroll in any institution other than Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô, they must communication with the Academic Counselor prior to enrolling or completing additional courses and meet the following criteria:
Note: If the credits earned are not provided to Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô and/or the Texas Academy as required in an official format and/or the information is not received by the deadline provided by the Texas Academy Administration and/or the start of the semester, students will be expected to enroll in any course credits required for high school graduation and university core completion. This means that if a student completed HIST 1301 and HIST 1302 somewhere other than Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô and an official transcript is not received and evaluated you may be required to remain enrolled in these courses or be required to take them in the future.
Note: Texas Academy transcripts will not provide details or show credits earned for any college credits if the official documentation is not received and recorded by the Office of Admissions at Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô or the Texas Academy.
College Applications
The most competitive Texas universities recommend completed applications be submitted early in the fall semester of the year prior to requested admission. Texas Academy does not guarantee admission into any institution. All students must apply to all colleges/universities including Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô for admission. We strongly encourage students to request letters of recommendation well before application season begins, and to apply early for maximum consideration for admission and scholarships.
College Admissions Tests (PSAT, SAT, and ACT)
All admitted juniors must take the PSAT exam during their first semester at the Academy. The exam is scheduled in mid-October every year. This is the exam used to identify National Merit Semi-Finalists and Commended, all of whom become National Merit Finalists which may qualify them for scholarships.
Current students are strongly urged to retake the exam in the spring of their first year in attendance and no later than the fall of their final year. Registration materials are available online (SAT - or ACT - ). Current students are advised to register for an ACT or SAT administered on the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô campus, if available. Students are reminded to send a college admission test report to Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô for the academy and the college/university of their choice.
College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB) Code
The CEEB is required when students register for standardized tests such as the ACT and SAT. The CEEB code for the Texas Academy is 440533.
Standardized Test Scores
All test scores must be reported directly from the College Board or ACT to the institution. TSI test scores may NOT be used for Texas Academy admissions, as per Texas state law. Students may log into their College Board accounts and request their test scores be sent to
Texas Success Initiative
The TSI Assessment (TSIA) is part of the Texas Success Initiative enacted by the Texas State Legislature and designed to determine a student’s readiness for college-level coursework in the general areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. Not all students are required to complete the TSIA. For more information regarding TSI please visit the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô TSI Webpage.
Please visit the TSI webpage and review the
College Counseling
requires that students pursuing a bachelor’s degree complete 42 semester credit hours of a core curriculum. Students who complete the required university/college core curriculum with a “C” or better can have the entire core curriculum transfer for institutional credit at any other Texas public college or university.
Please note that enrollment in the Texas Academy is not a guarantee of acceptance at any institution; students must meet the admissions criteria (grades, service, etc.) of the institution of their choice. Given the selectivity and variety of competitive colleges in the United States, students and their parents interested in admissions to out-of-state or private institutions are strongly urged to begin the process of discussing college options and scholarship opportunities with the Texas Academy Counselor as soon as possible after entering the Academy. The newest graduating class is strongly encouraged to begin investigating their college choices and initiate their application process as soon as possible (preferably by October of their senior year).
Letters of Recommendation
Letters of recommendation are integral to a student’s college application, especially at highly selective colleges and universities. Students are advised to request recommendations from those Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô faculty and the Texas Academy administrators most familiar with their character, academic achievement, and integrity of volunteer spirit, leadership skills, and those personal qualities that distinguish them as unique individuals. Students must plan for a minimum of a two-week response time to their request. Students should personally ask the recommender BEFORE filling out the request forms. Students should have an updated resume to include with their submission.
A student’s official Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô academic transcript is required for application to another college and may be ordered from the Office of the Registrar.
A student’s official Texas Academy transcript is required for college applications and is available through the Texas Academy office. Processing time is typically three to five business days, pending peak times and/or updated grades posting to the student’s account. The Texas Academy transcripts may be requested on our webpage at: /forms/talh/transcript-request.html
Note: Some institutions will require a transcript given directly from the Registrar’s Office, (LU Transcript for transfer credit review), as well as a transcript from the Texas Academy for confirmation of high school graduation.
Official Texas Academy transcripts will be sent by the Texas Academy office directly to the institution. Unofficial copies of a student’s Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô and the Texas Academy transcripts are also available via Self-Service Banner (SSB) and/or from the Texas Academy Academic Counselor.
Student Service Fee
All Texas Academy students will be responsible for paying a $100 student service fee. Incoming students will pay a $25 application fee when applying, and the remainder of the fee will be owed when accepted.
This fee will cover student body t-shirts, senior shirts, and the students' first club dues, along with other supplies and items that the students may need, such as ink and paper in the student study room.
Students who entered the Texas Academy for the Fall 2023 term are not required to pay this fee, however, they will be responsible for their club dues, senior shirts, etc.
Community Service Hours
To promote volunteerism and civic responsibility, Texas Academy students must complete at least 12 service and/or volunteer hours during each fall and spring semester. These hours may be completed at the same location or a variety of locations. It is the student’s responsibility to communicate details of service to the parent including when and where they are serving. All services must be documented in LU Hub within 5 business days of service and include an upload of the signed documentation form available in LU Hub. To be considered for Texas Academy Honor Society, students must complete a minimum of 18 service hours each semester.
Students who have not completed the required service hours will receive an incident. Incomplete hours will be rolled to the following semester for completion.
LU Faculty Mentor Program
To support student success, Texas Academy facilitates a faculty-to-student mentoring program. The mentor program pairs an individual student with a Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô faculty mentor in his/her area of study. The university faculty mentor cannot be a graduate student. This mentorship is regarded by the academy as critical to the full mission of Texas Academy. Students are required to meet with their mentor at least once each semester, but are encouraged to meet more often as needed to accomplish the following goals:
This requirement is for both juniors and seniors. Students may find their own mentor including a research mentor, and if not, one will be assigned to you. Mentor assignments will be reported to the Texas Academy Administration in LU Hub. Students may change their mentor if they choose, but this will need to be reported to Texas Academy Administration.
Texas Academy Class President's
The Texas Academy Class President’s serve as a model for leadership training and a key element in community building.
The Texas Academy Class President’s will serve the students of the academy by:
Note: All positions are not confined to the responsibilities listed herein and may encompass additional duties and initiatives as needed to advance the mission and respond to the dynamic needs of the student body.
Election Rules:
Senior Class President: The election for this position will be held during the spring semester for juniors only.
Junior Class President: The election for this position will be in October for Juniors only.
Note: In the event that a class officer is removed from his/her role, the opponent with the highest number of votes will take their place. If necessary, a runoff election may be held.
Texas Academy Class Presidents and Peer Mentor Lead will meet a minimum of once per month to create upcoming Community Meeting agendas and submit the information to TA Administrators for approval. All members must be in good standing and maintain a 3.0 GPA.
Any member who consistently misses meetings, receives any disciplinary action, or does not perform their duties shall be released and replaced, if needed, by the Texas Academy administration at any time. It is a privilege to be elected to serve the student body in the Texas Academy.
Texas Academy Peer Mentor Program
The Texas Academy Peer Mentor (PM) Program was developed and designed in the hopes of creating a natural peer to peer leadership program and fostering an environment of inclusion and sense of community. PM’s are not only expected to be a leader amongst their peers but to be an example and a face for the Texas Academy Program. PM's are expected to encourage positive behaviors and serve as a positive role model for all students.
When selecting the Lead and Peer Mentors, we seek students who are enthusiastic, maintain positive attitudes, are active within the academy, and are always the first ones to jump in and lend a helping hand.
Our Texas Academy Peer Mentors and Lead are expected to uphold to the following expectations:
Lead’s and Peer Mentors will sign a non-disclosure agreement when selected for the role. This states that you will not discuss private matters with any other students. There may be times when information must be shared with Texas Academy administrators on behalf of the students’ safety, this is allowable and will be held confidential.
If you have any issues meeting the above expectations, please discuss your concerns with your Peer Mentor Lead and Advisor. Students that do not adhere to the above expectations will be removed from their role immediately. Additional disciplinary actions may follow.
PM Lead Overview
The Texas Academy Peer Mentor Program will have a Lead each academic year. The Lead along with all Peer Mentors are selected by Texas Academy staff. In addition to portraying characteristics and the expectations of a PM, the PM Lead is required to lead by example and to be available to assist the Texas Academy program as needed through direct interaction with his/her fellow peers, Class Presidents, and TA Administrators.
Responsibilities of a Lead:
PM Overview
Texas Academy Peer Mentors serve as the primary point of contact for new and incoming students, helping them navigate college life for the first time. Whether offering a listening ear, being a friend, or serving as a role model, the role is to provide guidance and support.
Peer Mentors will help coordinate and facilitate monthly activities planned with or by the Lead and Class Presidents. Additionally, the PMs are responsible for sharing important information with students to keep them informed and engaged.
Any member who, receives any disciplinary action, or does not perform their duties shall be released and replaced, if needed, by the Texas Academy administration at any time. It is a privilege to be elected to serve the student body in the Texas Academy.
Texas Academy Honor Society
The goal of the Texas Academy Honor Society chapter is to bring the accomplishments of outstanding students to the attention of parents, teachers, peers, and the community. Our chapter will strive to give practical meaning to the Society’s standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. These four ideals are considered as the basis for selection. No student is inducted simply because of a high academic average. The Texas Academy Honor Society strives to recognize the total student—one who excels in all these areas.
To qualify, TA junior level students must have a minimum 3.5 GPA and have completed at least 18 service hours in the fall semester, and 18 completed for spring before selections are made in March. They may also have completed all required hours in the fall term. Students may not have any occurrences for the current academic year in which they are applying, and they may not have any incidents or infractions on their record for any year enrolled in the academy.
TAHS applications will open in November of each fall term and will close the Sunday before the spring semester begins. All selections will be made by the middle of February.
TAHS President Role:
President: Responsible for setting up regular group meetings and communicating with the advisor on meeting overviews and upcoming volunteer work. President will also serve on the TA Advisory Council once formed.
TAHS Expectations:
TAHS students must maintain a 3.5 semester and overall GPA and complete 18 service hours a semester, or 36 during the first semester. If a student receives any disciplinary action, they are immediately subject to review for continuation in TAHS. The selected events will be exclusive to TAHS members only for volunteering. These include Honors Scholars Day, Paneling at Preview Days, Spindletop Events with Welcome Center, working the booth at Cardinal View, Texas Academy Graduate Luncheon, and Graduation.
TAHS members are expected to participate at the TAHS induction ceremony where they may be asked to speak to one of the pillars, open and/or close, hand off certificates to new members, and serve as greeters.
TAHS members will receive a certificate when inducted and a stole as a senior for graduation.
Texas Academy Student of the Year Awards
To be eligible, students must meet the 3.5 overall GPA requirement, complete 12 service hours each semester, and have no disciplinary record, with the exception of an occurrence(s) for a minor issue.
Texas Academy Student of the Year for Academic Achievement
The TA of the Year for Academic Achievement is an award created for students of the Texas Academy to acknowledge one student who has demonstrated exemplary academic achievement during their time at the Academy. The award will be presented at the luncheon ceremony, and it is a commendation and validation of academic success and will be something that the student can put on a personal resume as an indication of their hard work and dedication.
Texas Academy Student of the Year for Leadership
The Honors Student of the Year for Leadership is an award that acknowledges the Texas Academy student who excels best as a leader displaying creativity, innovation, and long-term effectiveness in advancing the mission of the Texas Academy. The award will be presented at the luncheon ceremony, and it is a commendation and validation of the leadership abilities of the student and will be something they can put on a personal resume as an indication of their hard work and dedication.
Texas Academy Student of the Year for Service
The Honors Student of the Year for Community is an award that acknowledges the Texas Academy student who demonstrates an ability to build community between the Texas Academy and at least one partner from within the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô or the greater Southeast Texas area. The award will be presented at the graduation ceremony, and it is a commendation and validation of the community relationships built by the student and will be something they can put on a personal resume as an indication of their hard work and dedication.
Students will be selected by Texas Academy staff to receive each award, and winners will be announced at the Graduate Luncheon.
Letterman Jacket Qualifications
Texas Academy Students may “letter” in one of the following:
Jackets may also be purchased by any student who is within 30 credit hours of graduation. Texas Academy will pay for the patch earned if listed above. All jackets and additional patches are purchased by the student.
Texas Academy Community Meetings
The Texas Academy Student Body President must submit the agenda to the Student Council Advisor(s) the Tuesday before each community meeting to allow time for edits, adjustments, etc. Once reviewed, approval confirmation will be sent via email.
Attendance is mandatory and absent students will be reviewed for disciplinary review. The Texas Academy Community Meeting is the weekly student forum for presentation of information regarding the Texas Academy activities, discussion of events and issues, and small group meetings for planning purposes. The Texas Academy Student Council President presides over the meeting. The President will distribute an agenda identifying all administrative and the Texas Academy community issues for consideration to all the Texas Academy members at the beginning of the meeting. Following consideration of all administrative agenda items, the president will lead the Texas Academy students in a discussion of agenda items as needed. College Advising workshops, guest speakers, and team-building events will also be included at Community Meetings. The Texas Academy Student Council Secretary takes attendance at each meeting and logs this information for the Texas Academy Coordinator.
Texas Academy Special Events
On occasion, there will be opportunities to attend Texas Academy sponsored events. To be considered for such events, students must not do any of the following:
Failure to Maintain Good Standing Requirements
All course enrollment/professor reports must meet minimum requirements to be considered in good standing. This includes but is not limited to disciplinary action reviews, grades, attendance, and completion of assignments/exams.
Missing Classes
Missing class to attend a conference or competition is a privilege. Any student planning to participate in club travel must not be on academic probation with the Texas Academy or Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô. In addition, any Texas Academy student that has been placed on disciplinary restriction (or any documented disciplinary issue) is not permitted to participate in events. If this is a club event, students will need to declare this event with the Texas Academy Coordinator at the beginning of each academic year to begin the approval process. If the request to miss class is approved in writing by both the Coordinator and the Dean, it is the responsibility of the student to notify and work out any details with the professors of the classes that will be missed. The Texas Academy will not issue an excuse form to students nor consider this absence as an official Texas Academy/Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô absence. It is up to each professor whether he/she will allow the student to miss class. Students are required to abide by the guidelines as per provided by the professors. No approval will be given by the Texas Academy for students to miss classes, exams, or other major assignments.
Missing Exams, or Other Major Assignments
If a conference or competition takes place during an exam or other major assignment, affected students are not permitted to attend the event, unless prior arrangements have been made and agreed upon by the student, professor, staff, or Texas Academy staff member.
Closed Weekends and University Holidays
There will be no travel over closed weekends or University holidays. The Texas Academy will not sponsor travel or trips in any way during closed weekends or University holidays. The Texas Academy funding, equipment, vehicles, or staff for travel over these breaks are not available.
Texas Academy Clubs and Committees
To support the development of its students, the Texas Academy offers a variety of extracurricular activities designed to fulfill current students’ interests and goals. All officers of each club must maintain a 3.0 GPA and they may not have any disciplinary action or be on probation – if they fail to meet either of these requirements, they are subject to removal from their role immediately. If a Club Officer is not fulfilling their role as a lead, the Texas Academy Administration team has the right to remove the student from their role and assign a replacement.
The Texas Academy students may also further their leadership skills by organizing and operating their own special interest clubs and organizations, with an assigned advisor. Students wishing to begin a new club should schedule an appointment with the Program Manager and/or Associate Director to review Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô and Academy requirements regarding proposed purpose and activities.
Clubs and committees must have the approval of the Director, have an Academy advisor (a Texas Academy administrator), and hold their meetings as scheduled. First year students must meet their first semester academic goals before proposing a new club or organization. All activities must follow the Lamar Code of Student Conduct and be approved by the Director.
For the Texas Academy students and administrators alike, scheduling convenient club and committee meeting times is of the utmost importance. Students holding leadership posts in Texas Academy clubs should convene at the beginning of each semester to determine the club schedule for the term and report the club/committee plans prior to the beginning of all scheduled events and clubs.
Club dues are $20 to join for the entire year. Students may join multiple clubs, but all club dues are non-refundable. If a student joins a club, but does not contribute or participate, the club will retain the $20 club dues. A student is not officially allowed to participate in club activities without paid club dues. If a student decides to leave one club after joining another, they can but must pay the dues to the new club. Club dues are non-transferrable and non-refundable.
All clubs will consist of two Co-Chairs and a Secretary. Roles and responsibilities are as follows:
Co-Chair – Senior (elected in Spring for the following academic year; exiting seniors may not vote or interfere with elections of future club leads)
Co- Chair – Junior or Senior (elected in October)
Secretary – Junior or Senior (elected in October)
Some requirements for official Texas Academy clubs and committees:
At official club and committee meetings an appointed club representative:
No student should be in the Texas Academy building without a Texas Academy staff member present at ANY time.
Non-Texas Academy and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Club/Sponsored Events
Students must receive approval from the Texas Academy Administration prior to the advertisement or sharing of information and social media advertisement/mentions that is not directly associated to the Texas Academy or Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô. This does not include service hour opportunities.
Students who would like to advertise an activity may submit the Social Media Request Form and/or the Event Request Form for review and approval.
Note: Donation drives and drop off areas may not be held within the Texas Academy Building without approval.
All social media posts that contain the Texas Academy name or affiliation thereof, should not be posted unless approved.
Student Travel
Texas Academy students can travel on/off campus with student organizations. Texas Academy students must submit the TA Travel Form in LU Hub prior to their travel date. Texas Academy Administrators will contact the staff/faculty member overseeing the trip to verify all proper forms have been completed, and parent contact has been made. If the request to miss class is approved in writing by both the Coordinator and the Dean, it is the responsibility of the student to notify and work out any details with the professors of the classes that will be missed. Parents must be notified and in writing, must have approved the travel request and conference or presentation the student is planning to attend. Travel plans should be made well in advance to consider the processing time for student travel.
Donations and Fundraising
Direct funding for student events and projects within the Texas Academy is limited. Over the past two years students have taken the lead in fundraising projects such as Fish N’ Fest, World’s Finest Chocolate Sales, and Candy-grams. In addition, Texas Academy Students and Administrators work closely in securing partnerships for programming needs and the direct benefit of the students.
Students are encouraged to submit fundraising/sponsorship ideas to the Texas Academy Student Council for discussion and consideration. Students wishing to participate in securing partnerships/sponsorships must receive permission from the Texas Academy Administration before initiating contact. All contact thereafter must have a Texas Academy administrator involved to ensure etiquette and proper conduct during all interactions. An administrator should be copied on all correspondence, etc.
The Texas Academy will follow the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Code of Conduct Policy prior to any additional guidelines and conditions set forth by the Texas Academy to enhance safety and security measures for all students.
The Texas Academy students are individually and collectively responsible for their behavior and accountable for their actions. Every individual must take the initiative and responsibility for his/her own learning and awareness of the differences, which exist within the community, avoiding actions that diminish others. The Texas Academy will not tolerate verbal or written abuse, threats, intimidation, violence, disrespect, intolerance, or other forms of harassment against its members. We will not accept ignorance, stress, or anger as an excuse, reason, or rationale for such behavior, to include sarcasm or similar words that may be misinterpreted. Such behaviors could result in immediate dismissal.
Because the Texas Academy is comprised of a unique population of minors residing away from home, extra precautions have been established to facilitate the transition from high school to Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô and to provide a more secure living environment. Any interference with the security measures in place for students’ safety is considered behavior unbecoming of a Texas Academy student and may result in suspension or dismissal from the program. Students who cause damage to property are responsible for all repair costs to damaged property.
Hygiene and Appearance
The Texas Academy students’ appearance should reflect an awareness of their status as recipients of the State of Texas legislative scholarship. Students are always expected to maintain a neat appearance and to dress appropriately for all occasions. As such, Texas Academy staff reserves the right to ask students to change clothing if skin coverage is not appropriate.
No midriffs (crop tops), short shorts, short skirts, low-cut shirts, low-cut tank tops or apparel with vulgar or profane slogans will be allowed in the Texas Academy building. Pants should be worn at the natural waist. All undergarments must be concealed.
Standard hygiene is defined as conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness. Students are expected to demonstrate maturity and good judgment, even in matters of appearance and self-expression.
Vehicles and Other Motorized Transportation
The Texas Academy students can have a vehicle while enrolled in the program, if they are legally eligible to drive. Parking registration tags must be purchased from the Parking Office in the Wimberly Building. Students must follow all parking regulations, including display of parking tags and use of designated parking lots. All Texas Academy students must register their vehicles in the Texas Academy office. Students are not allowed to park in the reserved parking spaces next to the Texas Academy office or any reserved parking spaces across campus. If students do not follow the LUPD parking ordinances, they are subject to citations/fees which will be applied to their student account.
Bicycles, Skateboards, and Roller Blades
Students can have a bicycle, scooter/skateboard, and roller blades while on campus. Students are encouraged to register their bicycle with the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Police Department. The use of bicycles, scooters/skateboards, and roller blades is not allowed in any Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô building or prohibited areas of Cardinal Village and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô.
Dorm Room Cleanliness
Resident Assistants and/or the Texas Academy staff may conduct weekly health and safety inspections of student rooms. The Texas Academy staff may conduct unannounced room inspections.
The Texas Academy expects and requires students to maintain their rooms free of garbage or debris that is unsightly, unsanitary, or malodorous; determination of these conditions is at the discretion of the Texas Academy staff and Residential Assistants.
Further, the Texas Academy students are expected to maintain their room in an orderly manner so as not to disrupt free movement in the room. Students are expected to work together with their roommates to keep all common areas clean. Disregard of these requirements constitutes a potential public health threat, and students in violation of this policy risk disciplinary action if they fail to observe the noted standards within 24 hours of a warning by the Texas Academy or Cardinal Village community assistant staff. Dorm room garbage and debris must be disposed of as directed in the lease agreement.
Closed Weekends
On a closed weekend, students must vacate the residence hall by 4:00 PM prior to the campus closure or closed weekend. Texas Academy staff will confirm closed weekend plans with parents prior to student departure. Students may not return to the residence hall until after 3:00PM the day before classes start. (i.e., Labor Day Weekend: Students must depart campus by 5:00 PM on Friday evening and are not to return to campus until 3:00 PM on Monday afternoon.)
All rooms must be free and clear of clutter for dorm walk throughs. Dorm walk throughs will begin at 2:00PM on Friday. No leftover food, trash, or open liquid should be left behind. All showers, tubs, sinks, and toilets should be cleaned prior to departure or students may be subject for disciplinary review.
Communications (cell phone & email)
The Texas Academy administration uses Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô email as the primary method of communication with students. Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô provides all students with an LU email account: Microsoft Outlook. All Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô communication (including financial aid, housing, and EMERGENCY ALERTS) will be sent to the students’ LU email addresses. Students are reminded to inform the Texas Academy staff immediately of cell phone or email address changes. Students are responsible for updating their email, address, and phone number in Self Service Banner (SSB).
Students should connect with Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô for important notices as it relates to emergency alerts, campus closures, severe weather, etc. In an on-campus emergency, the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Police Department will broadcast a message through the LU Connect (Blackboard) system. Make sure your contact information is up to date, or you will not receive updates. Check your contact information by logging into the Self-Service Banner. You will then receive an automated message with important information.
Community Damages (Residence Life)
Students are strongly urged to report any violation involving Cardinal Village damages to the RA staff, with the names of those responsible. The Texas Academy and Cardinal Village will make every effort to maintain the confidentiality of students who report an incident.
If the identity of the person responsible for damages cannot be determined after investigation, the Housing & Residence Life Director may prorate the cost to repair the damages and administrative fees among all or any of the residents, as is deemed fair by the Residence Life Director.
Computers/Network Use
Students must respect the integrity and security of Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô computer systems and network, and the privacy and preferences of other users. Responsibility for learning about and complying with Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Acceptable Use Policy rests with the individual. The network may be used to download, copy, or store any software, shareware, digital media files or freeware, if the use complies with copyright law licensing agreements, and campus policies, such as storage space limitations and network bandwidth restrictions. The network may not be used for any activity, or to transmit any material, that violates United States or local laws. The Texas Academy students should not share their username and password with anyone.
The network may not be used for commercial purposes. Advertising and sponsorships on Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô websites are restricted. In addition, students may not permit other persons to use their usernames, passwords, accounts, or disk space, or disclose their usernames, passwords, or account information to any third party. Students may not log on to someone else's account, internet address, or other network codes, or attempt to access another user's files. Students may not create false or dummy accounts to impersonate someone else. Students may not try to gain unauthorized access ("hacking") to the files or computer systems of any other person or organization. Students may not impersonate another person by forging e-mail, web pages or other electronic media. Students who maliciously access, alter, delete, damage, or destroy any computer system, computer network, computer program, or data will be subject to disciplinary action by Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô, and criminal prosecution as well. Students may not disrupt or attempt to disrupt network traffic, and they may not attempt to monitor or capture network traffic in any way. Finally, students may not intentionally create, store, display, print or transmit information that violates the university’s Sexual Harassment Policy. See /titleix/index.html.
On Campus Housing – Cardinal Village (CV)
Students on campus are housed in the gated Cardinal Village residence complex, which offers two-bedroom/single bath suites. Texas Academy students are housed in Morris Hall, Building 9. Texas Academy students share a common hall (coed) with Resident Assistants and the Campus Security Office as scheduled. Students are assigned to rooms according to their gender assigned at birth. The hall is fully secured for the safety of the students with additional sets of alarmed hall gates and separate locks on individual bedroom doors. In addition, the floor is equipped with a security camera system. Each room is equipped with smoke detectors, fire alarms, cable, and Ethernet connections. Health and safety rules are firmly enforced. Failure to comply with policies and procedures will be referred for disciplinary action and may result in removal from the residence hall at the student’s expense and/or from the program itself.
Security is provided through the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Police Department to monitor the front entrances of each residence hall. Additionally, University Police may, at their discretion, make rounds through the residence halls on a random or scheduled basis.
Texas Academy students living in the dormitory on campus are required to adhere to all Texas Academy rules and policies as well as have familiarity and follow the rules/guidelines set forth in the Housing and Residence Life Handbook and Lease Agreement.
Texas Academy students are subject to the rules and policies outlined in the CV lease as they do not supersede the Texas Academy/TSUS policy governing the residence of minors on the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô campus. In case of conflict between the lease agreement and the Texas Academy/TSUS policy, the TSUS policy prevails and governs. For further clarification, please refer to your lease.
Expectation of Academy student behavior includes but is not limited to the following:
Regulatory Guidelines for Students
Prohibited Items and Materials
IMPORTANT: Texas Academy students must avoid possession, or use of, tobacco products, drugs, alcoholic or any other controlled substances or other inappropriate material or paraphernalia (such as bottles, ashtrays, indecent or violent publications) or materials that promote such inappropriate behavior is prohibited.
NOTE: For a full list of permitted/prohibited behaviors and items, refer to the Housing and Residence Life Handbook.
The Texas Academy endeavors to pair students with complementary and compatible roommates. Both students should be guided by several important principles: mutual respect, consideration, tolerance, and an ongoing commitment to civil, open communication.
Living with a new roommate in close quarters is a new experience for most students. For this reason, the Texas Academy endeavors to pair students with complementary and compatible roommates. Both students should be guided by several important principles: mutual respect, consideration, tolerance, and an ongoing commitment to civil, open communication.
The Texas Academy suggests that students answer the following questions with their roommates:
Roommate Rights
Each resident must respect his/her roommate/suitemate's rights to privacy and normal use of the suite. Also, each resident must ensure that any guest or visitor invited into the suite respects the roommate's privacy and use of the suite. The roommate should not be compelled to leave to accommodate a guest, nor should he/she be placed in situations that might cause embarrassment or inconvenience.
Roommates/suitemates are encouraged to resolve problems between themselves before involving an RA or other Texas Academy Administrative staff and/or Housing and Residence Life staff. If the RA is unable to resolve the conflict, Texas Academy Administrative staff and additional Cardinal Village staff will be notified.
The noted rights constitute a suggestion by Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô/the Texas Academy to assist students in creating and maintaining a congenial living environment. The Texas Academy students should diligently work to be the type of roommate whose attitude and conduct effectively ensures the following rights:
Housing Contract
All students must complete a Housing Contract for the period they reside on campus. The contract term is for the fall and spring semesters of the academic year. Housing Contracts must be signed via the Housing portal on the Residence Life website. A copy of the Housing Contract can be viewed online at /students/student-affairs-strategic-initiatives/housing-residence-life/index.html.
Returning students must renew Housing Contracts each contract period but are not required to pay an additional down payment. Students who want to cancel their Housing Contract must do so by the dates specified in their Housing Contract or incur a breach of contract fee as per the Housing Contract.
If a Texas Academy student moves off campus during the academic year, or if they do not cancel their housing contract by the deadline given from the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Housing Department, the student will be responsible for the cost of the room and any additional fees associated with their room and board cost.
Resident Assistants (RA’s)
Resident Assistants are staff members whose responsibilities include supporting and assisting students in the residence hall, as well as enforcing all the Texas Academy and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô policies pertaining to residential life in the Morris Hall complex. RA’s are not permitted to have the Texas Academy students in their rooms in Morris Hall. RA’s report to Texas Academy Administration and Cardinal Village for any concerns. All students are expected to respect, listen, and follow instructions from the RA’s. RA’s should never supply items, transport students, “cover” for a student, or encourage behavior that would lead a Texas Academy student to get into disciplinary trouble at any time.
Room Changes
Room change requests are typically requests for a roommate change, and this option should only be considered a last resort after conflict resolution, consultation with a RA and mediation by the Texas Academy administrators have been fully exhausted as possible solutions. Room changes are typically authorized at the end of the semester. Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis.
Room Entry
Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô, the Texas Academy, and Morris Hall reserve the right to enter rooms for inspection, cleaning, or maintenance at reasonable times. Cardinal Village and the Texas Academy staff routinely enter student rooms, including closed weekends, Thanksgiving Holiday, semester, and spring breaks to ensure compliance with maintenance and safety standards. Access to student rooms is not independently granted to friends, relatives, or other students by Cardinal Village or the Texas Academy staff.
In emergencies, the supervisory entities (Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô, the Texas Academy, and Cardinal Village) reserve the right to enter rooms without notice when an imminent danger to life, safety, health, or property is determined. With approval by the Dean, his/her designee, or the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Police Department, a room may be entered when there is reasonable cause to believe a violation of Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô/the Texas Academy rules and regulations has occurred or is taking place.
Room Searches
Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô, Texas Academy, and Cardinal Village may conduct the search of a room in the residence hall to determine compliance with Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Code of Student Conduct and federal, state, and local laws, and may obtain evidence during the search, when there is reasonable cause to believe that a violation of such rules, regulations, or laws have occurred. This evidence may be used by law enforcement personnel in the prosecution of criminal or civil crimes.
In extraordinary circumstances outside law enforcement agencies acting under a legal warrant are empowered to conduct room searches.
Access to Residence Halls
Access to residence halls is controlled by a computerized electronic control system. All halls maintain controlled access on a twenty-four hour, seven-day-a-week basis. Card readers, which are located just outside the entrance of each residence hall, will only recognize and grant access to a properly encoded electronic access card. The door will unlock and then immediately re-lock when it closes. Residence Life reserves the right to temporarily deactivate access cards in situations, including but not limited to, the inappropriate usage of an access card or if a resident fails to complete all steps of a room assignment change.
Residents are required to always keep their residence hall access card with them. Repeated documented incidents of residents not possessing their access card may result in student conduct action.
Students may not loan their key or ID to anyone. This may be considered misuse of university property and subject to student conduct.
Residents who lose their access card need to get a new card at the Wimberly building. A replacement fee will be assessed.
Emergency exits should only be used in the event of an emergency or during a building evacuation. Entering and exiting residence halls should only occur through non-emergency doors, as these doors have access card capabilities.
Keys and Electronic Access
Texas Academy students will be issued dorm room keys upon check in at Cardinal Village. Cardinal Village Residence Hall cards allow students to enter the gates of Cardinal Village between 6:00 AM and curfew hours.
Students must remember to take their keys and Cardinal Village Residence Hall cards with them whenever they leave their rooms and to lock their room and dorm doors when in or out of their residence. NOTE: Dorm room doors lock automatically. Students who leave their door unlocked or propped open for any reason after they depart the hall will be subject to disciplinary action due to potential safety risks.
Courtesy Hours
In keeping with the academic goals and standards of students residing on campus, quiet hours will be maintained from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. in each residence hall. Courtesy hours are observed throughout the building 24 hours a day. This means that although quiet hours may not be in effect, residents are expected to maintain reasonable volume levels, including hallway noise, and slamming doors. Students are asked that noise not be heard outside of the room two doors down in any direction.
During finals week, extended quiet hours are observed to better facilitate a study atmosphere. Some residence halls may enforce daily 24-hour quiet hours during finals to enhance the academic environment of that building.
No percussive or electronically amplified musical instruments may be played in University Housing except for scheduled student activities in common areas organized and approved by the university and/or the Department of Housing and Residence Life.
When quiet hours are in effect, the corridors and breezeways are only open to through traffic. Loitering, socializing, and/or phone conversations within the corridors and breezeways during quiet hours is prohibited. Texas Academy students may not leave his/her assigned dorm after curfew.
Residents who do not adhere to quiet and courtesy hours may be subject to a fine or student conduct action up to and including eviction from University Housing. Each incident is addressed individually. Additional disciplinary actions may be taken by the Texas Academy Administrative Staff if deemed necessary.
The Texas Academy supports strong academic performance and student safety through the establishment of a curfew that corresponds to the City of Beaumont minor curfew ordinance. Students are required to be in their dorm room with the front door closed at curfew. After curfew (Sunday-Thursday), student activity in the halls or outside the building will be referred for disciplinary action. Students may not leave their dorm after curfew without written permission and/or accompaniment of the Texas Academy staff. Curfew extends to the use of laundry facilities and food delivery – everything must be finished by 11:00 PM.
Curfew hours are 11:00 PM to 6:00 AM Sunday through Thursday and 12:00 AM to 6:00 AM Friday and Saturday.
Curfew Checks and Procedures
The Texas Academy Resident Assistants (RAs) conduct curfew checks beginning at 11:00 PM Sunday through Thursday and 12:00 AM Friday and Saturday. Students must be in their own room for room check and are required to remain in their rooms (during and after) as the RA completes rounds. Students should not be taking a shower and dressed appropriately during curfew checks. Students are expected to be appropriately dressed for curfew check. This procedure typically takes 15-30 minutes; RAs are required to make visible contact with each student.
Students who arrive late and thus violate curfew are expected to report to the Texas Academy Security Office and notify the RA staff immediately. In case of an emergency, students expecting to arrive late should call the Texas Academy Security Office or the Texas Academy Resident Assistant to report their location and anticipated time of arrival.
If a student is absent from his/her residence hall room 30 minutes after curfew, the Texas Academy administration is called by the RA. The onsite officer is also notified. Texas Academy administration or the RA will call the student’s parents to notify them. If the parents are unable to explain the student’s absence, the Texas Academy administration notifies the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Police Department (LUPD).
Even if the student is located, all the above procedures will be followed.
All students who arrive even minutes after curfew are subject to disciplinary review (occurrence, incident, or infraction). Any violation of the curfew check will be reported to Texas Academy Administrative Staff.
Overnight Absence from Campus and Weekend Travel
The Texas Academy considers student safety as a critical responsibility and strictly enforces its weekend travel policy. A Travel Request form or email must be submitted to the Coordinator no later than 4:00 PM Thursday afternoon prior to the requested absence. The Texas Academy accepts parent or guardian signed requests via email. Once the student turns 18, they will be able to check themselves out. Students checked out on an overnight/weekend pass are not allowed to return to the dorm until the pass's term expires. All students should text OUT on GroupMe by 4:00 PM on Friday so all students with a travel request are accounted for.
Overnight absences are only allowed if approval is received within 48 hours of the expected departure/absence. Parents may put in a request for a student to be out for special reasons, but this action does not warrant automatic approval. All requests will be evaluated and approved by the Texas Academy Administrators prior to a student leaving campus Monday-Thursday night. Approved requests are usually for college tours/visits, illness, death in the family, etc.
NOTE: Absolutely no overnight checkouts, unless previously approved, will be permitted unless an emergency event has occurred. In the event of an emergency in which a student must depart the dorm after regular business hours, written notification is required to be received by email, the student must make contact with the RA and/or CSO, and the Texas Academy Administrator(s) must be notified before he/she may report themselves as “OUT”, and leave.
Students for whom a checkout form is submitted and/or an absence approval has been received are required to vacate the dorms as described above unless a written notification is submitted by the parent or legal guardian prior to noon on Friday and approved by Academy administration.
Failure to follow these processes will result in disciplinary review/action.
The Texas Academy and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô assume no responsibility for students’ actions, safety, travel issues, or incidents that are not Texas Academy and/or LU sponsored.
Campus Closure and Holidays
When Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô closes for Thanksgiving, semester, and spring breaks, students are required beforehand to complete certain tasks in their room for safety and sanitary reasons, as shared by the Texas Academy staff and/or CV. Students are required to accomplish the required tasks and formally checkout with their RA; students failing to do this are subject to fines and/or disciplinary action. Students must vacate their dorm rooms in accordance with established vacation periods. Students are not permitted in the residence hall during vacation periods.
For some long weekends (Thanksgiving and Easter) all the Texas Academy students must vacate the residence hall for the entire long weekend. Students must vacate the residence hall by 4:00 PM the day the weekend begins (ex. Thursday afternoon for a Friday holiday) and may return after 2:00 PM the day before classes resume. Long weekends will take the place of closed weekends during applicable months. See the Academic Calendar.
NOTE: During campus closures and scheduled holidays, the Texas Academy Administrators and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô typically do not respond to emails and/or requests until return to normal campus operations/business hours.
Visitation and Guests
Security for students is central to the Texas Academy residence life. Because most Texas Academy students are minors and often living away from home for the first time, additional precautionary measures are conducted by the Texas Academy for the students’ safety and privacy.
Texas Academy students are prohibited from entering non-Academy student(s) dorm/room. Texas Academy students must adhere to the following requirements:
While it may occasionally be necessary for the Texas Academy or Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô staff to speak with students in their rooms, the Texas Academy appreciates the potential sensitivity of any meeting between a student and administrator or staff in the context of a student’s private room. Accordingly, such visits are limited to emergency situations and will include more than one administrator or staff member. Students are strongly urged to report any impropriety or appearance of impropriety on the part of an administrator or staff member to the Dean of the Texas Academy. Sexual misconduct should be reported immediately to the Title IX coordinator. More information is available: /titleix/report-sexual-misconduct/index.html.
End of Term Departure
The Texas Academy students are required to vacate their dorm room within 24 hours of their last final exam or by 4:00 PM on the last day of finals offered, whichever comes first. All students should report their final exam and day of departure to the Coordinator as soon as their last final exam is scheduled. Students are strongly encouraged to check the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô academic calendar and their course syllabi to plan for their end of term departure.
Students are strongly urged to take their valuables with them when they leave the dorm for end-of-term or extended holidays; no personal items should be stored in the Texas Academy building – no exceptions. Students are required to comply with specific checkout procedures as established. No students may return to the dorms over the closed or holiday weekends or before the designated check in day and time.
Off-Limits and Restricted Areas
Certain areas on and near campus have been designated as restricted to ensure the safety and security of students.
Students need to avoid:
In an emergency, 911 should be called. On campus emergency is 409-880-7777. Morris Hall Front Desk and the Texas Academy staff member on call should be contacted immediately. For non-emergencies, students should call the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Police Department at 409-880-8307 (on campus).
Family Emergency
Parents and students should contact the Texas Academy Administration in the case of the death or severe injury of an immediate family member (i.e., parent/guardian, sibling, or grandparent). It is the students’ responsibility to notify all appropriate faculty members of the emergency. A Weekend Travel Request form must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian before a student is permitted to leave campus.
Emergency Management and Planning
The Texas Academy adheres to all Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Police Department safety expectations and protocols. The following information and plan outlines are available through the LUPD webpage and updated as needed.
Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô has contracted with ConnectED to provide a state-of-the art, web-based emergency notification system. The system allows Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô to contact faculty, staff, and students quickly with news and information in the event of an emergency. The system can contact individuals on cellular, home or office phones, voicemail, and by text, email, and TTY/TTD. The ConnectED system will call two phone numbers and send messages to two e-mail addresses from what is posted in the student information systems. Students should add their cell phone numbers to the system. Students should also add their personal email address to the system. Students are encouraged to verify their telephone and email information in the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô system. More information may be found at .
Learn how to update your Self-Service Banner (PDF). It is imperative that every student, faculty, and staff member receives these emergency notifications. So, it is very important that you keep this information up to date. More information may be found at .
Emergency Management, Inclement Weather, and Evacuation
If inclement weather or a mandatory evacuation is announced, text, email, and automated phone call notices will immediately be sent out to students via the ConnectEd Emergency Notification System. The Texas Academy fully complies with Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô’s evacuation plan approved by Emergency Management, local, state, and federal agencies. Note: Media services will announce both the cancellation and the resumption of classes and campus opening/closures.
If necessary, evacuation orders will be issued by the University President’s Office. This information will be relayed to students via email, phone calls, and/or text messages. Residence Life Staff will notify residents of an evacuation order throughout all halls. All rooms will be inspected for residence during a door-to-door walk-through. Students residing on campus must complete the sign-out process, as established by Residence Life, prior to evacuating the campus.
Students are advised to contact their parent(s) or guardian(s) upon evacuation with their current location and once more to communicate their status. Note: Parents should not contact the University because Lamar is preparing for evacuation.
The Texas Academy and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô are not responsible for students living off campus.
Texas Academy Administrative staff will also provide additional details to students and parents through email.
Important Reminders:
Students should remember to take with them:
Students will be notified when it is deemed safe to return to campus.
Note: Students and parents are reminded to inform the Texas Academy staff immediately of any email changes and required to update the student contact info within Self-Service Banner. Parents without email access must give the Texas Academy administration current and viable telephone numbers for immediate contact.
Building Emergency Evacuation
Under the supervision and guidance of The Risk Management Department, all students should make themselves familiar with the location of stairs and emergency exits within buildings they enter and/or frequent in case of emergency or fire. Below are the standard procedures for use in case of fire and standard emergency evacuation instructions applicable to most campus classrooms and administrative buildings that do not have more than two floors.
Procedure in Case of Fire
Other Instructions
If employees or students have knowledge of what chemicals are present at the location of a fire, or of other hazards in the vicinity of a fire, they should tell a Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô police officer or fire department personnel on the scene and remain available to give further assistance if needed.
Building Emergency Evacuations - For use in one- and two-story campus buildings without special evacuation plans.
Upon receipt of emergency instructions to evacuate the building, or upon the sounding of the Fire Alarm, all persons shall:
Morris Hall Fire Evacuation Procedure - In Case of Fire, call LU Police at 409-880-8311 and activate the nearest fire alarm if it is safely accessible.
If you are in your room:
Accessibility Resource Center
Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô and the Accessibility Resource Center (ARC) are committed to equitable learning opportunities for students with disabilities through the appropriate use of accommodations and modifications to ensure access to courses, services, activities, and facilities.
Students seeking disability-related accommodations should complete an online application with the ARC and submit documentation establishing a disability. Once the application and documentation are received, the student will be scheduled for an intake appointment with the ARC where eligibility and individualized reasonable accommodations will be discussed. Students may apply to the ARC at any time, but early registration is encouraged. Once accommodations are assigned to the student, they may select their accommodations for each registered course. Accommodations are not retroactive.
Students who register with the ARC and have a current letter requesting reasonable accommodations should contact the instructor early in the semester to review how the accommodations will be applied in the course. It is your responsibility to communicate any accommodations with your professors.
Health Insurance
Academic Health Plans is a provider of health insurance for Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô and Lamar Institute of Technology students. Their web site will provide the most current prices and coverage levels.
For more information and/or to apply, please visit the Student Health Center webpage or call the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Student Health Center at (409) 880-8466.
The Student Health Center no longer files commercial insurance claims except Academic Health Plans and Tricare, a military insurance plan. If you do not have one of these two insurances, the Student Health Center can give you a statement to file a claim on your insurance.
Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Identification Card/Meal Card (Cardinal One Card)
The Cardinal One Card is the University ID Card, Meal Plan, and Debit Card for One Account. Students must activate their Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô email account and check it regularly to receive Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô financial information from Cardinal One Card and the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. Lost Cardinal One Cards must be replaced immediately. If a card is lost or stolen, the student should contact the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Police Department. Replacement cards are issued for a fee in the Wimberly Student Services Building.
New students may secure their Cardinal One card remotely via Self-Service Banner or in person (Wimberly Building). Students will receive the card in the mail in 7-14 business days to address on file with Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô.
The student ID card should always be carried. Students are not allowed to loan their ID cards or borrow another student’s ID card. Housing and Residence Life and/or any other University staff or official may request proof of identity of any person on University property. Failure to identify yourself to a staff member upon request is a violation of university rules and regulations.
If any person is caught misusing the card for identification purposes, the card may be confiscated by University Police or other appropriate university personnel and the student may be subject to student conduct action by the Dean of Students or University Police and Texas Academy Administrative staff. Misuse of the card includes but is not limited to: using the card to enter a university residence hall or event that the person is not eligible to enter, loaning the card to someone else, or altering the card in any manner. Confiscation of the card will not affect any remaining cash balance in the student's account.
Mail Delivery
The Mail Center, located in the Carl Parker Building, room 101, is a full service federal postal facility. The University Mail Center is the official drop-off/pick-up point for all federal and express courier mail/parcels. Other independent couriers deliver parcels, next day air, and second day air based on their delivery policies.
Mailboxes are in the main lobby of the University Mail Center facility in the Carl Parker building. Mailboxes are available for rent for a fee of $15 per year. Mailbox rental fees are paid in the Cashier's Office, located in the Wimberly Student Services building. Box rental fees are non-refundable. When renewing your mailbox rental, please bring your payment receipt to the Mail Center window salesclerk to update yearly records. The Mail Center is closed on weekends and federal holidays.
All Texas Academy students staying in the dorm are strongly encouraged to rent a post office box on campus at the beginning of the year. No mail can be delivered to the Texas Academy students at Cardinal Village or through the Texas Academy post office box.
Meal Plan
Meal Plans are available to all students at Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô. Students living on campus are required to purchase a meal plan. The various options and costs are on the Residence Life website. In general, each plan has two components:
*Additional Dining Dollars and meals can be purchased if necessary.
Residents choose their meal plan when they complete their housing application. Residents have until the 12th day of class to change their meal plan at the beginning of each semester. Unused Dining Hall meals and Dining Dollars do not carry over to the next semester. If unused, they are forfeited. Residents may add Dining Hall meals or Dining Dollars to their meal plan if they are running short.
For more information, refer to the Dining Services and Housing and Meal Plan Rates sites.
Medical Leave of Absence
Students or family members with medical problems requiring an extended absence from the residence hall may request a medical leave of absence from the Texas Academy. This request requires written authorization of a parent/guardian and approval of the Texas Academy Administrative staff before departure from the residence hall. In an emergency, parents/guardians may request medical leave on a student’s behalf. If deemed necessary, this information will be shared with the Dean of Students at Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô. Further, no reimbursement for time out of the dorms will be allowed unless it is authorized by Housing and Residence Life.
Student Health Center
Any students who become ill or are injured during the day, excluding emergencies, may independently visit the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Student Health Center. The Health Center hours are 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM Monday through Thursday; 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM, Friday. The Student Health Center is closed on weekends, holidays, or after hours. A variety of medical services are available at the Student Health Center.
In an emergency, students on campus should call the LU Police Department at 409-880-7777. An officer will evaluate the situation and determine the appropriate action, such as calling an ambulance for transport to the local emergency room of the student's choice.
Students and their parents are expected to immediately report any medical conditions and/or medications as diagnosed and/or prescribed to update the student’s medical information.
Confidential mental health counseling services at the Student Health Center (SHC) are available to currently enrolled students at Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô and Lamar Institute of Technology. A licensed counselor provides counseling sessions by appointment only, except in emergency cases. SHC counselors utilize a solution-focused model. They work closely with the SHC medical providers for medication consultations if needed.
Students needing counseling or medical services during these times are urged to contact the Student Health Center. The Texas Academy is NOT a mental health care facility, nor does it offer those services. Students may also contact one of the local medical or counseling facilities should contact their parent(s)/guardian(s) about their plans.
For any Texas Academy student who chooses to discuss any confidential or private concerns with Texas Academy Administrative staff, a minimum of 2 staff members must be present. The student will be referred to the Student Health Center as this information must be reported.
The Student Health Center also operates as a Class D (clinic) pharmacy, offering low-cost medication and supplies to LU and LIT students. Many medications ordered by our practitioners are available within the clinic pharmacy (antibiotics, eye creams and drops, anti-fungal medications, non-narcotic pain relievers, and a few oral contraceptives).
For services rendered, charges will be billed to the student’s account and must be paid in full to limit holds being placed on their account.
Note: Lamar does not file on any insurance except TriCare and the Academic Health Plan. There will be a statement available on the Patient Portal that will have all the necessary information for filing on your health insurance. Some health plans support online filing, eliminating the need for printing and mailing a claim.
Texas Academy Office Conduct: Meeting with Administrators
Administrators are available for appointments during regular office hours. While the administrators’ priority is always the welfare of the Texas Academy students, professional priorities may mandate that a student will have to wait to speak to a particular administrator. If a question requires more than five minutes to address, an appointment with the administrator should be scheduled.
If a student wants to meet with an Academy Administrative staff person, they must request to schedule an appointment. Making an appointment in advance via email, or by the administrator’s preferred method.
Texas Academy Building Access
All Texas Academy students will be issued a Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô student ID which allows them to badge in and gain access too the Texas Academy Building. Students must enter the University Studies side of the building (facing the dining hall) at all times and use all other doors as exits only. Students are prohibited from badging in on other students, parents, friends, family, etc. ONLY Texas Academy and University Studies staff and students are allowed in the building unless permission is granted, or an appointment has been made.
If a student loses their ID, they will need to replace it at their own expense with the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Student Identification Office in Wimberly, Room 118.
Texas Academy Building Expectations
The Texas Academy workroom, offices, staff lounge, equipment and supplies are reserved only for staff. Students may not enter or use materials or supplies without explicit instructions from a staff person. Students must be supervised by a staff member for all use.
Students needing copies must go to the Library or Setzer Student Center.
Students are expected to respect the privacy of staff members and other students within the Academy. Students may not enter a staff person’s office alone or without prior consent.
No student is allowed in the Texas Academy kitchen without permission; a refrigerator is in the Lounge for student use.
Office telephones are for administrators and staff only, unless in an emergency.
If a student does not adhere to any of these requests and/or other directions provided by Texas Academy Administrative staff, disciplinary measures will be taken if necessary.
At times, meetings may mandate that some/all administrators are absent from the offices. During those times, the offices will be closed but reopen immediately upon their return.
Behavioral Expectations
Texas Academy students are expected to be fully engaged in all aspects of the program, whether living on campus or off campus. Failure to meet academic, behavior, attendance, and/or service-learning components of the program is an indication that the student may not be ready for the advanced responsibilities required of a successful Texas Academy student and could potentially be released back to their high school.
Social Media
Texas Academy students are expected to always act as representatives of the Texas Academy and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô. Be mindful that social media accounts are public domain and can inadvertently portray students, and the Texas Academy/Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô negatively. When making social media posts, students are expected to refrain from representing or negatively associating with the Texas Academy in personal posts. Texas Academy and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô logos can only be used within university affiliated social media accounts and communications. Violations of this requirement will subject students to disciplinary review.
Alcoholic Beverages and Illegal Drugs
The Texas Academy and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô promote and endeavor to ensure an alcohol-free, drug-free community and adheres to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. Possession and use of alcohol are prohibited, nor are students permitted to be in possession of empty alcohol containers. The purchase, possession, distribution or use of controlled/illicit drugs or drug paraphernalia is prohibited. The abuse of any other chemical substance is prohibited.
A student in the same room or car or other similar place in which alcohol, empty alcohol containers, illegal drugs, or drug paraphernalia may be in “possession,” whether he/she is using alcohol or drugs. Students are not permitted to be in any establishment in which alcohol is the primary form of refreshment or entertainment (e.g., a bar), an establishment in which the sale or distribution of alcohol is the primary business (e.g., a liquor store), or an establishment in which the sale of drug paraphernalia is the primary business (e.g., a “head shop”). No student is permitted to enter or be on the premises of any fraternity or sorority house or grounds at any time.
Academy Sponsored Events
Only Texas Academy students are permitted to attend Texas Academy functions except for certain events; dances, class gatherings, etc. The number of outside guests may be limited and/or subject to permission of the Texas Academy staff.
Unless otherwise stated, any associated costs of academy sponsored events are the participating students' responsibility. Students on probation or with disciplinary issues may not be allowed to participate in Academy sponsored events. Students may drive their own vehicles or an approved LU vehicle to Texas Academy sponsored events with parental consent.
Parents/Guardians of minors and students of at least 18 years of age are required to sign the “Activity Release and Indemnity Agreement” form before a student will be permitted to participate in academy sponsored events. In addition, parents/guardians must complete emergency contact and “Medical Information” forms. These forms remain on file in the Texas Academy office. Academy administrators carry a copy of these documents during academy sponsored events.
Travel with other student organizations will require those documents to be obtained, acquired, and kept in the department (Activity Release and Indemnity Agreement and Medical Information) form.
Academy Sponsored Events Conduct
Texas Academy students are expected to conduct themselves in line with Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô’s educational institution mission. As listed in the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Student Handbook (/students/student-handbook.html), prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to the following:
Campus disruptive activities or disorderly conduct on Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô-owned or controlled property or at a Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô-sponsored or supervised function that inhibit or interfere with the educational responsibility of the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô community or the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô’s social-educational activities shall include but not be limited to: using abusive, indecent, profane or vulgar language; making offensive gestures or displays that tend to incite a breach of the peace; perpetrating fights, assaults, acts of sexual violence, abuse, or threats; or evincing some obviously offensive manner or committing an act that causes a person to feel threatened or the reputation of the Texas Academy is jeopardized or impugned. Such prohibition includes disorderly classroom conduct that obstructs, interferes with, inhibits, and/or disrupts teaching and/or related classroom activities.
Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô and the Texas Academy endeavor to create and maintain an environment conducive to the ideals that govern the institution’s educational mission. Students are expected to affirm the dignity of every human being and to promote an intellectual and social environment that encourages the free and civil discovery and dissemination of knowledge. Fundamental responsibilities speak to an individual’s basic right to freedom of speech, and any expression of sexism, racism, hatred, intimidation, and prejudice is inconsistent with the Texas Academy and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô’s ideals and objectives.
Freedom of thought, innovation and creativity are fundamental characteristics of a community of scholars.
To promote a safe learning environment, the university has a special responsibility to build a community, cultivate tolerance and mutual respect. Discrimination against or harassment of individuals based on race, color, national origin, age, sex, religion, disability, veterans' status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression is inconsistent with the purposes of the campus.
Persons within the Texas Academy and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô will not be deprived of their civil rights on the campus or in connection with a university-sponsored activity. Persons who harass or discriminate against another person are subject to disciplinary sanctions up to and including removal from the campus.
Bullying and Hazing
Bullying is the use of force, coercion, hurtful teasing, or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. The behavior may often be repeated and habitual. One essential prerequisite is the perception of an imbalance of physical or social power. This imbalance distinguishes bullying from conflict.
All students in the Texas Academy community should be free to thrive in a safe and welcoming environment. Any actions or malicious intent against other students or Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô staff and faculty will be taken seriously and will be cause for an immediate review with Texas Academy Administrators.
Hazing means any intentional, or reckless act, occurring on or off the campus of an educational institution, by one person alone or acting with others, directed against a student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of a student for the purpose of pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization whose members are or include students at an educational institution. The term includes but is not limited to:
Personal Hazing Offense
A person commits an offense if the person:
Texas Academy students are expected to exemplify the highest standards of courtesy and respect for the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô community. Use of obscene, vulgar, abusive, indecent, discriminatory, and/or disrespectful language/comments by the Texas Academy students toward any member of faculty, staff, fellow student, or any circumstance, is prohibited.
Non-Compliance with Staff or Policy
Students are expected to cooperate with the Texas Academy and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô staff who are acting in the performance of their duties. Students should:
Public Displays of Affection (PDA)
The Texas Academy expects students to behave in a way reasonable adults find appropriate and inoffensive. Students are always expected to be respectful of others and to comply promptly with a request to stop a public display of affection.
Required Attendance
While the Texas Academy offers several discretionary events and activities, there are also events and activities that are central to the growth of the community. Attendance is mandatory. These include, but are not limited to:
Students are reminded that enrollment in the Texas Academy allows students more “out of class” time than is traditionally available to high school-aged students and therefore extracurricular meetings should not pose a hardship. Remember, a Texas Academy student’s first priority is his/her academic success.
Sexual Misconduct
The Texas State University System (TSUS) and Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô are committed to creating and maintaining educational communities in which each individual is respected, appreciated and valued. Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô diligently strives to foster an environment that permits and encourages everyone to perform at their highest levels in academia. Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô’s focus on tolerance, openness, and respect is key in providing every member of our community with basic human dignity free from harassment, exploitation, intimidation, or other sexual misconduct.
Sexual Misconduct is a broad term encompassing a range of non-consensual sexual activity or unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature. The term includes but is not limited to sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual intimidation, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Sexual misconduct can be committed by men or women, strangers, or acquaintances, and can occur between or among people of the same or opposite sex.
Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô is committed to maintaining an educational environment free from all forms of sex discrimination. Sexual Misconduct is a form of sex discrimination and will not be tolerated. Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô promotes prompt reporting of all types of Sexual Misconduct and timely and fair resolution of Sexual Misconduct complaints. Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô will take prompt and appropriate action to eliminate Sexual Misconduct when such is committed, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects. See Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy.
Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô offers multiple ways to report sexual misconduct. Reports can be made anonymously and confidentially; choose the method that is most comfortable for you. Students may learn more about Frequently Asked Questions, Complainant and Respondent Rights submit an online.
Expectations of Texas Academy Parents
Parents are an integral part of their students' success and are encouraged to maintain open communication, including the following student progress, time management, grades, achievements, and any other concerns.
It is strongly recommended that all parents, particularly those whose students live on campus, stay in touch and be attentive to their student's mental and emotional well-being
The Texas Academy staff per FERPA will consult only with the student unless they are on academic probation regarding academic progress including grades, GPA, and scheduling. Parents may not request their child's transcript. Staff will also discuss disciplinary issues with the parent.
If a parent has questions, unless the student is present and provides their permission to discuss certain information in detail, we will only be able to provide general information.
Once a student turns 18, they are the only ones who can initiate and ask questions with Texas Academy staff regarding academic records or information and enrollment. While a student may permit a parent to be present on a phone call or in a meeting, the student must be the one to initiate the communication.
While parents certainly will have opinions about what classes should be taken and in what order, the Academic Counselor has the best understanding of class availability, degree plans, as they relate to the long-term goals and of the students’ needs for high school graduation. Every effort will be made to support the students’ pursuit of that goal. Parents should share their thoughts and opinions with their student who will make the final decision along with the guidance of the Academic Counselor.
Parents are encouraged to invest time and interest in their student's progress and promote positive communication with their student regarding updates to course work or grades received via Blackboard and/or Self-Service Banner. Note: Unlike a traditional high school, some professors may not post grades within a timely manner.
Unscheduled meetings and heavy-handed demands made by the parents will not be tolerated. The student will be treated like any other undergraduate in the context of scheduling and grades. Conflicts about grade progression and scheduling options should be handled at home.
Parents will be immediately notified of any discipline issues within the Texas Academy or as reported by a professor. Again, details of grades cannot be shared per FERPA, but issues like class attendance, inattentiveness in class, or missing mandatory Texas Academy events are within the scope of items FERPA allows staff to share.
Parent behavior has the potential to negatively affect the student if protocol is not followed. For example, the following will lead to an occurrence on the students record:
While students are in control of their academic progress, parents are encouraged to participate in certain aspects of student life including chairing social events, fundraising, chaperoning prom, following, commenting, liking social media posts, and submitting news for publication in the newsletter and social media. Information pertaining to these activities will be located on the Texas Academy webpage and communications are expected to be disseminated by Administrators and/or students.
NOTE: If the Texas Academy student is reported for a Title IX violation, the report should be made directly to the Title IX Coordinator.
Additional Resources and Contacts
Report to the Title IX Coordinator(s)
Monica Ryan
Title IX Coordinator
(409) 880-8163
Dr. Ginger Gummelt
Director of Social Work
Phone: (409) 880-8568
Other Resources
Rape and Suicide
National Domestic
Family Services |
Texas Department of
Victims’ Assistance Center
Family Services (800) 621-8862
Family Violence
Texas Department of
Child Abuse and
Texas Academy Building and Student Spaces
The Texas Academy Student Spaces are a privilege for current Texas Academy students only. Students must adhere to the following:
Texas Academy administration has priority over all rooms within the building. Students may request to reserve a space by submitting a Room Request Form to the Student Council Secretary and/or Texas Academy Coordinator for meetings and social gatherings.
It is the student's responsibility to assist and maintain the student spaces in neat and sanitary conditions. Failure to dispose of trash and/or food may result in suspension of use. Texas Academy students are encouraged to visit the Texas Academy Office once a day to check for announcements.
Theft is prohibited by federal, state, and local law, and students are referred to the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Student Handbook for additional information.
The Texas Academy recommends that students and parents of students obtain individual property insurance, that students do not bring valuables to campus and always lock their room.
Tobacco Products
Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô is a smoke-free, tobacco-free, and electronic cigarette-free campus. Use of tobacco products is not permitted on university premises. For more information view the LU Tobacco Policy online.
Vandalism is prohibited. Vandalism is the willful, malicious, or careless actions which result in damage or defacement of student possessions, rooms, furniture, any part of the residence hall, or property of any kind belonging to or located on the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô campus. Students responsible for vandalism will be met with appropriate disciplinary measures and actions. Depending on the issue's severity, additional Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô staff may be involved, such as the Dean of Students and/or LUPD.
Violations of Law
Any acts, which constitute a violation of federal, state, civil or criminal laws or city ordinances, except for minor traffic violations, will result in Texas Academy disciplinary action. The Texas Academy disciplinary action is not contingent upon and may precede legal action.
Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Student Code of Conduct
For a complete list of general provisions, prohibited conduct, administration of student conduct, and appeals process please visit the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Student Code of Conduct page.
Texas Academy students are expected to practice self-discipline and to assume a shared responsibility for ensuring the development of a safe, comfortable, and harmonious living-learning community in Cardinal Village. Those students who repeatedly violate minor policies or any zero-tolerance policies may be dismissed. Throughout the disciplinary process, the Texas Academy staff takes great care to ensure that students receive due process as per the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô Code of Conduct and Student Regulations.
Any member of the University may file a written complaint of alleged violation to the Texas Academy Coordinator (or designee, i.e., Resident Assistants). Depending on the circumstances relative to the situation, alleged violations will be addressed through an informal discipline meeting, a formal discipline meeting, or referral to the Academy’s Dean.
All student disciplinary action is considered confidential by the Texas Academy Administration. Attempts to discover another student’s sanctions or repetitive speculation regarding another student’s disciplinary status is disrespectful toward the student and detrimental to the Texas Academy community.
Parents/Guardians will be contacted when students are written up for violation of policy. Parents/Guardians will be kept informed of any judicial proceedings or sanctions as they occur.
Discipline Philosophy
The rules and guidelines set forth in this handbook were established by the governing board of the Texas Academy to support academic success, personal development, leadership training, and safety. They are intended to serve as a guideline rather than an inclusive list. Texas Academy students are expected to show maturity and responsibility during their enrollment and conduct themselves consistent with that privilege. The Texas Academy believes in pro-active rather than reactive discipline. The goal is not to punish but to reinforce that the student is responsible for his/her own behavior and that those actions frequently impact a wider community.
Behavioral Sanctions
The following list is an attempt to specify consequences for more obvious types of violations and should not be considered all-inclusive without flexibility in individual circumstances.
See behavioral sanctions below. Administration also reserves the right to determine disciplinary action for violations of policy not listed.
Parents will be notified of any disciplinary infractions for which their student has been found responsible. The Texas Academy Administration will also inform parents of any infractions that are considered illegal, including the use and possession of tobacco products. There is no appeal process for any violation or sanction issued to the student.
All occurrences, incidents, and infractions are recorded and will be considered in all reviewal process.
Dependent upon the severity of the issue at hand and/or the repetitive nature of the events requiring disciplinary action, students will be issued one of the following:
Examples of Occurrences:
Examples of an Incident:
Examples of Infractions
More serious infractions will follow the Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô’s Code of Conduct Policy Administration Policy
It will be handled by the Texas Academy administration and staff, with Â鶹ӳ»Ó°Òô’s Office of Student Engagement.
Examples of Zero-Tolerance Issues:
Disciplinary Actions/Sanctions Internal to the Texas Academy
The Texas Academy Administration has the discretion to remove student privileges to attend events, activities, and all other Texas Academy sponsored events experiences based on the severity of issues.
Interim Suspension: If personal safety or the continued security of the Texas Academy community is in question due to a student’s behavior, that student will be turned over to the parents/guardians until a formal hearing is held.
Suspension or Dismissal: In the event of a serious violation that jeopardizes the safety/security of a student or the community or in the case of violation of the “Zero Tolerance” policy, a student may be suspended or dismissed from the program. The student then has 24 hours for checkout from the residence hall.
*To protect the health, safety, life, or property of the members of the Texas Academy community or to prevent the disruption of the educational process, the Academy reserves the right to ask the student to move out of Cardinal Village immediately, and/or to withdraw the student from classes. The student may be considered “trespassed,” which means he/she is not allowed to enter Cardinal Village, the Texas Academy Building, or to attend any of the Texas Academy functions. Police are called if a dismissed student violates trespass.
Filing and Disposition of Complaints
Any resident of the halls, any student or any university faculty or staff member may file a complaint against a Texas Academy student for an alleged violation. The complaint may be submitted by a formal letter. The letter shall set forth the following:
If a complaint is submitted, it shall be presented to the Texas Academy Administrator(s). Additionally, based on the complaint, the Texas Academy staff will determine the appropriate course of action and will manage the complaint according to the guidelines posted in the LU Code of Conduct Policy.